[Abstract]:Based on the definition of underwriters and underwriting behavior, this paper studies the legal relationship between underwriters and investors, and concludes the legal obligations of underwriters to investors in the process of securities underwriting. When the underwriter violates these legal obligations, he will be liable for breach of contract or tort to the investor. In reality, the illegal behavior of securities issuance information disclosure occurs frequently, such as fraud, false information disclosure, investors are often the ultimate victims. Although the issuer will bear administrative, criminal or civil liability to a certain extent, but as a securities underwriter dealing directly with investors, he does not bear its due legal liability, which makes the legal rights and interests of investors protected. This is the motivation of this paper. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the legal obligations of underwriters and the ways of their legal liability, so as to better protect the legal rights and interests of investors. Based on the theory of the rights and obligations of both parties in the legal relationship of sale and purchase contract, this paper summarizes the legal obligations of the underwriters in the legal relationship of securities underwriting. In addition, through the comprehensive analysis of six cases such as Daqing Friendship, the paper points out the problems existing in the protection of investors' rights and interests in the current legislation and judicial process of securities underwriting. In addition to the introduction and conclusions, this paper includes five chapters. The first chapter focuses on defining the subject of securities underwriting and the concept of underwriting behavior. The second chapter examines the obligations of underwriters to investors. The theoretical basis of the securities underwriter's obligation to the investor is emphatically analyzed, and the main obligations of the underwriter and the consequences of breach of the obligation are demonstrated. The third chapter discusses the current situation of China's current legislation on the underwriter's civil liability to investors. Chapter four examines the actual civil liability of securities underwriters to investors from an empirical point of view. In the fifth chapter, aiming at the problems in judicial practice, the author puts forward that the securities underwriters should solve the problem of inadequate regulation of the civil liability of investors from the aspects of procedure and substantive legislation.
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