[Abstract]:As we all know, all kinds of risks in the securities market are "innate", and there are various schools of research on risk types, evading and supervision. In the theory of economic law, the traditional research is relatively simple in purpose, mainly from the angle of government supervision to analyze the legal risk, and the research on judging and analyzing the risk from the angle of investors, especially ordinary investors, is not rich. This is also the passive supervision of relevant departments, the interests of investors are difficult to maintain part of the reason; On the discussion of illegal behavior, it mainly focuses on false statements, insider trading, market manipulation and so on. This kind of analysis and classification is based on the classification of the characteristics of behavior, and less on the classification of fixed actors. As a result, previous works have focused on securities companies, investment funds, controlling shareholders and other market subjects, but the analysis of the largest number of listed companies in the market and the most influential market body has been ignored. This paper tries to carry out the following research: firstly, it analyzes all kinds of risks in the market, points out the insufficiency of the traditional viewpoint and the author's classification method, and then, on the basis of analyzing the composition structure and the investment behavior characteristics of the ordinary investors, It is concluded that the illegal risk of listed companies has become the main risk that affects the interests of ordinary investors at present, and then the empirical analysis of real cases is used to prove it. Finally, the author points out the deficiencies of the relevant government departments and the way to perfect the law. There are four main parts in the text except introduction: the first part is the systematic analysis of the listed company's violation risk. Firstly, the author points out the traditional view of risk classification and its deficiency, which leads to the risk of violation of the listed company, and expounds this definition; On the basis of the analysis of ordinary investors in A-share market, it is pointed out that the risk of violation of regulations of listed companies has become an important investment risk that affects ordinary investors. In the second part, we choose the real cases of stock market, which mainly reflect the violations of listed companies in some sensitive areas, through the empirical analysis of these cases, We can see that the illegal behavior of listed companies has a huge adverse impact on investors, especially ordinary investors, and it is a kind of investment risk, which strongly supports the author's argument. The third and fourth parts point out the necessity of strengthening the supervision of listed companies by relevant government departments and the deficiencies of supervision at the present stage, and then put forward the relevant improvement measures.
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