[Abstract]:In recent years, with the research and development of modern corporate capital structure theory, western scholars have studied the problem of corporate capital structure from a new angle. On the basis of MM theory, many western scholars gradually relax the theoretical assumptions, explore the problem of corporate capital structure from many angles, and develop the tradeoff theory, agency theory, optimal order financing theory and so on. Western scholars have found that many listed companies tend to implement the equity refinancing policy when the stock is overvalued or the stock market price is on the upward trend, on the contrary, Choose to buy back a company's stock when the stock is undervalued or the stock market is in a downward trend as a whole. From the perspective of behavioral finance, western scholars try to propose that the market timing of equity financing assumes that when the stock of the company is overvalued, the management of the company issues additional shares of the company, and when the stock of the company is undervalued, the western scholars try to propose the market timing of equity financing The management of the company buys back the company stock, thinks the capital structure is the accumulated result of the stock financing opportunity choice in the past, and the market timing choice theory explains the formation of the company capital structure. At present, under the premise that capital market is not efficient, the influence of the deviation between asset pricing and real value on corporate financing decision-making and corporate capital structure has become an important research field in Behavioral Finance. China's capital market has only been established for several decades since its establishment in the 1980s. The time is relatively short. The socialist market economy system is also in the process of continuous improvement. The financing environment of Chinese listed companies and the stock ownership structure of listed companies are also in the process of continuous improvement. There are great differences in financing mode and financing decision between listed company and foreign mature capital market. The capital market is speculative and the market is not mature. Based on the assumption of market efficiency, the investment and financing problems of Chinese enterprises are studied, and there is a certain gap between the investment and financing of Chinese enterprises. In view of the characteristics of China's inefficient capital market, this paper focuses on the irrational valuation of listed companies' stocks by investors in the stock market, taking the A-share stock market in China from 2000 to 2010. The listed companies that carry out equity issue and refinancing are the research objects, and deeply study the financing and investment decision-making of A-share listed companies in China, the market timing effect and the market timing effect on the capital structure of listed companies, and so on. It has very important practical significance and theoretical value. On the basis of expounding the background and significance of theoretical research, this paper reviews the relevant theories and literatures of domestic and foreign enterprises' financing. In the third chapter, according to the analysis and summary of related financing theory, the variable design and research model design of empirical research are described. In the fourth chapter, the regression analysis is carried out on the data samples of listed companies in China's A-share market from 2000 to 2010, in which the rights issue and the refinancing of the reissued shares are carried out. In the last chapter, on the basis of the regression results of Chapter 4, the conclusion is drawn and the corresponding policy recommendations are put forward.
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