[Abstract]:Vietnam and China, as neighbors, have similar political and cultural backgrounds. In terms of economic model, Vietnam has also followed China and implemented the principles and policies of reform and opening up. In recent years, Vietnam's domestic political stability and its political relations with the United States and other Western countries have also developed rapidly, and its rapid economic development has attracted the warm attention of the world. Based on the introduction and discussion of the development of the economy and securities market of the two countries, this paper makes a deep comparative study on the securities market of the two countries, and analyzes the existing problems of the securities market of China and Vietnam since its establishment. In addition, Through some simple empirical methods, this paper analyzes the influence of economic and trade between China and Vietnam on the securities markets of the two countries, and draws the conclusion that the economic development and trade of the two countries promote the development of the securities markets of the two countries. Finally, this paper looks forward to the future development of the securities markets of the two countries. The political, economic and cultural relations between China and Vietnam are closely linked. This paper systematically compares and analyzes the securities markets of China and Vietnam, which not only has certain theoretical and practical significance for the construction of the securities markets of the two countries. It also plays a role in drawing lessons from each other for the future economic development of the two countries.
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