[Abstract]:The future has an ethical and educational nature, including the meaning of existence and hope for the future. This is to teach people to be kind to the future, the pursuit of good power and source. Here, possibility turns into reality and time becomes the basis of morality. Hope is both a virtue and an education. Education is learning hope or learning hope. Possibility is not only the starting point of moral education, but also the destination of moral education. Immaturity is a state or limitation, but immaturity means dependence on the future, on which moral education establishes its own authority and possibility. Bloch's hope realizes the transition from sadness to poetry, which is expected by existentialism, and gives moral education a kind of human enlightenment-education should not only have hope but also hope; transcending good and evil is an important proposition of moral philosophy. It is also the end and goal of moral education. Bloch's belief of hope and Nietzsche's heroism chose different ways of transcending in the future, and realized the transformation from "the state of good and evil" to "the realm of the best" (pure good), and the ethics of hope broke through the limitations of moral idealism. To base the idealistic belief on the practice of man's moral life. The deterministic future is no longer the ruler of this life, but the moral possibility of enlightening the future ideal.
【作者单位】: 扬州大学教科院;
【基金】:2011年度教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目:现代生活方式与道德教育(11JJD880020) 江苏高校协同创新计划:基础教育人才培养模式协同创新中心研究成果
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