新文化运动的先驱李大钊曾说:“盖青年者,国家之魂”。青年是祖国的未来,是民族的希望。作为中国共产党的第一代领导核心和中华人民共和国的主要缔造者,毛泽东以其伟人的战略眼光和卓越的政治智慧,始终高度重视青年这一特殊群体,并在长期领导革命和建设的伟大实践中,提出了一系列独创性的光辉思想,形成了系统的青年思想政治教育理论体系。在新形势下,深入探究毛泽东青年思想政治教育的理论精髓,广泛继承其科学策略,将为我们应对经济全球化和文化多硕博在线论文网化所带来的青年思想不足,打赢意识形态领域的青年争夺战,培养中国特色社会主义事业的合格建设者和接班人,提供重要的理论指导和实践武器。《毛泽东青年思想政治教育理论探析》是以马克思主义青年观为指导,在广泛收集、整理毛泽东论著、书信、讲话等原始资料基础上,充分借鉴已有的研究成果,运用文献浅析浅析、逻辑推理等策略,对毛泽东青年思想政治教育理论进行全面梳理、深入浅析浅析和系统归纳,以期对当代青年思想政治工作和青年理论研究提供有益的借鉴。全文共由四部分组成:第一部分:毛泽东青年思想政治教育理论的发展历程。这部分是按时间顺序,对毛泽东青年思想政治教育理论形成和发展的历史过程进行梳理和评述。第二部分:毛泽东青年思想政治教育理论体系。这部分系统浅析浅析了毛泽东对青年历史作用的评价、毛泽东青年思想政治教育的目标、工作的方针和原则、教育的主要内容、实施的策略等五方面内容。第三部分:毛泽东青年思想政治教育理论的艺术性和创新性。这部分是本文的重点和创新点。其艺术性包括:以青年为本的人本艺术、化抽象为形象的宣传艺术、平等交流的民主艺术和实事求是的求实艺术;其创新性主要是从毛泽东对马克思主义青年观的发展和中国传统青年观的扬弃两方面进行浅析浅析论述的。第四部分:毛泽东青年思想政治教育理论的当代价值。这部分是本文研究的出发点和落脚点,阐述了毛泽东青年思想政治教育理论在理论和实践两个方面的意 义,剖析了其对新时期青年思想政治工作的重要价值。
【Abstract】 Li Dazhao, a pioneer of China’s New Culture Movement once said:“Young person is the soul of the nation.”The youth is the future of our country,and the hope of our nation. As the core of our first generation of collective leadership and the Founding Father of people’s republic of China, Chairman Mao possesses a great strategic vision and remarkable political wisdom, attaching great importance to young people. He came up with a series of brilliant ideas, which formed the systematic theory of ideological and political education of the youth in the long practice of revolution and construction. Under the new policies, to have an in-depth look at the essence of Mao’s theory towards the education of young people’s political awareness, to pervasively inherit its scientific methods will provide us with theoretical guidance as well as pragmatic ways to tackle the youth problems brought about by economic globalization and cultural diversification, to stand out in the competition of ideology and to foster qualified constructors and successors of china.“Mao Zedong’s theory about ideological and political education of youth”is based on the Marxist outlook on youth, as well as a wide collection of Mao’s works, letters and speeches. It fully learns from the existing results of study, applying a method of literature analysis and logical reasoning. It takes an in-depth look at the theory about ideological and political education of youth, comprehensively analyzing it and systematically inducing it so as to provide guidance for the modern research on this theory. The book is divided into four parts.PartⅠ:The development of Mao Zedong’s theory about the ideological and political education of youth. This part is in chronological order, stating and commenting on the establishment and development of this theory.PartⅡ:The system of the theory. This part gives a systematic analysis from five perspectives, which are the importance of youth in history, the goal of Mao’s ideological and political education of the youth, its working guidance and principles, the content of this education as well as the specific methods and principles to carry out the theory.PartⅢ:The artistic and innovative feature of Mao’s theory, which highlights the main topic of the theory. Its artistry include the human-oriented art aiming at the youth, the propaganda art which turns the abstract image into visual image, democratic art based on equal communication and pragmatic art. Its innovation is mainly illustrated with Mao’s attitude towards the Marxist outlook and the traditional Chinese outlook on youth respectively.PartⅣ:The value of Mao’s theory in the contemporary society. It is the starting point and the end result of this study. And it expounds the theoretical and practical significance of Mao’s theory, dissecting its value in guiding the work of ideological and political education of the youth in a new time being.
【关键词】 毛泽东; 青年; 思想政治教育; 理论;【Key words】 MaoZedong; Young people; Ideological and political education; Theory;
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