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发布时间:2019-05-19 08:14
[Abstract]:Cooperation is one of the abilities that human beings must have, and it should be integrated into modern education through cooperative learning. As a main channel to cultivate and improve learners' information literacy, the establishment of information technology courses has an irreplaceable position and long-term value. Starting from the problems existing in classroom teaching and combining with the teaching practice, this study applies the cooperative learning model to the information technology teaching in junior middle school. The author hopes to cultivate students' cooperative consciousness and skills and solve the contradiction between the shortage of computers and the difference of students' level at present. This paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is introduction. This chapter mainly expounds the research background and significance, research content and research methods of this topic. The second chapter summarizes the literature related to this topic. Through the collection of relevant data, this paper studies the published literature on using cooperative learning to carry out information technology teaching in junior high school, summarizes the main meaning of the supporting theory and defines the main concepts. The third chapter is the investigation and analysis of the application of cooperative learning in information technology course teaching. In order to gain the expected effect, the interview method and the investigation method are used to understand the current teaching methods between teachers and students, the students' understanding of cooperative learning, the degree of acceptance and the teaching effect of previous group cooperative teaching. Collect first-hand information for the development of teaching. The fourth chapter analyzes the design and implementation of applied group cooperative teaching in junior middle school information technology curriculum combined with their own teaching practice cases. In this chapter, through the establishment of groups, the formulation of group learning contract, group as a unit of overall evaluation, learners are prepared for four steps of reflection. In the later stage, Xi'an Jiaotong University Press selected the second volume of information technology of Xi'an Jiaotong University Press, the use of Tibetan input method, and the course of Security and maintenance of computer system as cases for implementation. The teaching scheme is designed through the analysis of learners and learning needs. The fifth chapter puts forward some thoughts and suggestions on group cooperative teaching. Combined with the cooperative learning teaching model and used in teaching practice, the effect after implementation is analyzed from the students' learning performance and questionnaire investigation, and the evaluation and personal feeling are made, from the guiding theory, the teaching organization form and the design of teaching activities. Starting with the principles of teaching evaluation, this paper sums up some strategies of applying cooperative learning to carry out information technology teaching in junior middle school. Chapter VI conclusion. Carefully review and reflect, find out the theoretical harvest of research, teaching experience harvest and research shortcomings, in order to further improve and improve. The research shows that group cooperative teaching has a good effect in solving the contradiction between the insufficient number of computers in schools and the difference of students' level.


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