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发布时间:2023-03-18 21:56
  2007年教育部颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》明确指出教学模式的改变不仅是教学方法和教学手段的变化,而且是教学理念的转变,是实现从以教师为中心、单纯传授语言知识和技能的教学思想和实践,向以学生为中心、既传授语言知识与技能,更注重培养语言实际英语能力和自主学习能力的教学思想和实践的转变,也是向以培养学生终身学习能力为向导的终身教育的转变。然而,在大学英语阅读教学中教师们仍然采用以教师为中心的传统教学模式。课堂上教师只向学生讲解课文中的语法,疑难句子,忽略了通过赏析课文的方式来培养学生的综合能力与素质,从而使学生阅读的兴趣不浓。因此,探索更好的大学英语阅读教学方法显得十分必要。 本文以建构主义理论为基础,采取定性与定量相结合的方法,对有效实施大学英语阅读教学进行系统研究。作者对渤海大学历史专业三班和四班的116名学生进行实验教学,三班为实验班,四班为控制班。对学生进行实验前考试和实验后考试,并在实验前和实验后做两次问卷调查。考试的成绩及问卷结果将用SPSS11.0软件进行分析与对比。本次研究的主要问题是: 1.在建构主义理论指导下的大学英语阅读教学模式是否优越于传统的教学模式? 2.基于建...

【文章页数】:97 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Background of the study
    1.2 Significance of the study
    1.3 Purposes of the study
    1.4 Layout of the thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Definition of reading
    2.2 Three models of reading
        2.2.1 Bottom-up model
        2.2.2 Top- down model
        2.2.3 Interactive model
    2.3 College English reading teaching
        2.3.1 Definition of college English reading teaching
        2.3.2 Principles and methods of college English reading teaching
    2.4 Constructivist theory
        2.4.1 Definition of constructivism
        2.4.2 Different schools of constructivism
        2.4.3 The perspectives of constructivism on learning and teaching
        2.4.4 Constructivist teaching
        2.4.5 The study on the applications of constructivism abroad and at home
Chapter Three Research Methodology
    3.1 Research design
        3.1.1 Research questions and hypothesis
        3.1.2 Experimental study
    3.2 Instruments
        3.2.1 Questionnaire
        3.2.2 Test
        3.2.3 Interview
        3.2.4 Observation
    3.3 Procedures of the study
        3.3.1 Pre-questionnaire
        3.3.2 Pre-test
        3.3.3 Teaching experiment
        3.3.4 Post-questionnaire
        3.3.5 Post-test
        3.3.6 Interview
        3.3.7 Classroom observations
        3.3.8 Data collection and analysis
Chapter Four The Teaching Experiment on the Application of Constructivist Theory to College English Reading Teaching
    4.1 New English curriculum requirements for reading
    4.2 The application of constructivist theory to college English reading teaching
        4.2.1 Description of college English reading teaching based on constructivist theory
        4.2.2 The procedures of college English reading teaching based on constructivist theory
    4.3 A sample teaching plan of reading class in EC
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion
    5.1 Data analysis of questionnaires
    5.2 Descriptive statistics of pre and post tests
        5.2.1 Data from the pre-test of EC and CC
        5.2.2 Data of reading tests from the post-test
        5.2.3 Data from the reading test of the pre-test and post-test in EC
        5.2.4 Data from the reading test of the pre-test and post-test in CC
    5.3 Discussion
    5.4 The analysis of the interview
    5.5 Analysis of classroom observations
Chapter Six Conclusion
    6.1 Major findings
    6.2 Implications
    6.3 Limitations of the research
    6.4 Issues for further research
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III
Appendix IV
Appendix V




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