发布时间:2023-06-03 03:38
【文章页数】:59 页
I Introduction
1.1 Significance of the study
1.2 The present situation of English writing teaching in China
1.3The structure of the study
II Literature review
2.1 The development of Cohesion Theory studies
2.1.1 The development of Cohesion Theory studies Abroad
2.1.2 The development of Cohesion Theory studies in China
2.2 A survey of researches on English writing
2.2.1 The studies of Cohesion and Coherence in writingabroad
2.2.2 The studies of Cohesion and Coherence in writing inChina
2.3 The definitions and theory of the key terms
2.3.1 Cohesion
2.3.2 Coherence
2.3.3 Cohesion and Coherence
2.4 The devices of Cohesion and Coherence
2.4.1 Grammatical Cohesion
2.4.2 Lexical Cohesion
2.4.3 Logical connector
2.5 English writing
2.5.1 What is writing?
2.5.2 The importance of writing
III Research Methodology
3.1 Hypotheses
3.2 Subjects
3.3 Instruments
3.3.1 Questionnaire
3.3.2 Two tests
3.3.3 English writing evaluation
3.4 Procedures
3.4.1 Procedures of the research
3.4.2 Teaching procedures of the experimental class
3.4.3 A training teaching design
3.4.4 Data collection
IV Results and Discussion
4.1 Data analysis
4.1.1Analysis of the results of the questionnaire
4.1.2 Analysis of the results of the pre-test and post-test
4.2 Discussion
V Conclusion
5.1 Summary
5.2 Implications
5.3 Limitations and suggestions for further research
5.3.1 Limitations
5.3.2 Suggestions for further research
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III
Appendix IV
【文章页数】:59 页
I Introduction
1.1 Significance of the study
1.2 The present situation of English writing teaching in China
1.3The structure of the study
II Literature review
2.1 The development of Cohesion Theory studies
2.1.1 The development of Cohesion Theory studies Abroad
2.1.2 The development of Cohesion Theory studies in China
2.2 A survey of researches on English writing
2.2.1 The studies of Cohesion and Coherence in writingabroad
2.2.2 The studies of Cohesion and Coherence in writing inChina
2.3 The definitions and theory of the key terms
2.3.1 Cohesion
2.3.2 Coherence
2.3.3 Cohesion and Coherence
2.4 The devices of Cohesion and Coherence
2.4.1 Grammatical Cohesion
2.4.2 Lexical Cohesion
2.4.3 Logical connector
2.5 English writing
2.5.1 What is writing?
2.5.2 The importance of writing
III Research Methodology
3.1 Hypotheses
3.2 Subjects
3.3 Instruments
3.3.1 Questionnaire
3.3.2 Two tests
3.3.3 English writing evaluation
3.4 Procedures
3.4.1 Procedures of the research
3.4.2 Teaching procedures of the experimental class
3.4.3 A training teaching design
3.4.4 Data collection
IV Results and Discussion
4.1 Data analysis
4.1.1Analysis of the results of the questionnaire
4.1.2 Analysis of the results of the pre-test and post-test
4.2 Discussion
V Conclusion
5.1 Summary
5.2 Implications
5.3 Limitations and suggestions for further research
5.3.1 Limitations
5.3.2 Suggestions for further research
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III
Appendix IV