发布时间:2023-10-21 15:28
阅读是一个复杂的认知心理活动,是作者与读者之间进行交流的过程,阅读理解一直是外语学习和教学中的一个重要内容。2003年,我国教育部制定的《普通高中英语课程标准》(试验)指出:“语言是人类最重要的思维和交流工具,也是人们参与社会活动的重要条件。普通高中英语课程应根据高中生认知特点和学习发展需要,着重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析和解决问题的能力。”因此,本研究以我国高中英语阅读理解为研究视角,试图通过运用关联理论视阈下的基层明示意义,探讨阅读理解过程,并结合具体示例分析阅读策略,指导高中英语阅读理解教学活动。 本文首先回顾了阅读的本质、过程及阅读教学研究中常见的阅读模式,包括自下而上、自上而下、交互式及图式阅读模式等。无论用哪种理论来解释阅读过程,其核心都在于把阅读看成是人类交际活动的一种方式。20世纪80年代,由Sperber和Wilson提出的关联理论,认为语言交际是一种明示推理,其过程以明示性为向导,在新、旧信息之间进行。基于此,作者运用关联理论的基层明示意义,着重探讨阅读策略的培养,以期达到帮助学生对英语篇章的准确理解,提高学生阅读能力的目的。具体地说,这些策略有:在语义...
【文章页数】:69 页
1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Significance and Purpose of the Study
1.3 Organization of the Thesis
2 Literature Review
2.1 Review of English Reading
2.1.1 The Nature of Reading
2.1.2 Metaphorical Models of Reading
2.1.3 Summary
2.2 Review of Relevance Theory
2.2.1 A Brief Review of Relevance Theory
2.2.2 Sperber and Wilson’s Principle of Relevance
2.2.3 Explicature and Implicature Distinction
2.2.4 Pragmatic Subtasks in Basic-level Explicature of Relevance Theory
2.3 Basic-level Explicature of Relevance Theory Used in Reading
2.3.1 Functions and Principles of Basic-level Explicature of Relevance Theory
2.3.2 Strategies of Basic-level Explicature of Relevance Theory
2.4 Summary
3 Research Design
3.1 Research Hypotheses
3.2 Subjects
3.3 Instruments
3.3.1 Reading Comprehension Tests: Pre-test and Post-test
3.3.2 Questionnaire
3.4 Research Procedure
3.5 A Teaching Sample in the Experimental Class
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Data Collection
4.2 Results and Data Analysis
4.2.1 Results and Data Analysis on Pre-test and Post-test
4.2.2 Results and Data Analysis on Questionnaire
4.3 Discussion
4.3.1 Application of Basic-level Explicature of Relevance Theory
4.3.2 Advantage of Basic-level Explicature of Relevance Theory
4.3.3 Disadvantage of Basic-level Explicature of Relevance Theory
4.4 Summary
5 Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings of the Thesis
5.2 Suggestions of the Study
5.3 Limitation for Further Study
Appendix A Pre-test
Appendix B Post-test
Appendix C Questionnaire
【文章页数】:69 页
1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Significance and Purpose of the Study
1.3 Organization of the Thesis
2 Literature Review
2.1 Review of English Reading
2.1.1 The Nature of Reading
2.1.2 Metaphorical Models of Reading
2.1.3 Summary
2.2 Review of Relevance Theory
2.2.1 A Brief Review of Relevance Theory
2.2.2 Sperber and Wilson’s Principle of Relevance
2.2.3 Explicature and Implicature Distinction
2.2.4 Pragmatic Subtasks in Basic-level Explicature of Relevance Theory
2.3 Basic-level Explicature of Relevance Theory Used in Reading
2.3.1 Functions and Principles of Basic-level Explicature of Relevance Theory
2.3.2 Strategies of Basic-level Explicature of Relevance Theory
2.4 Summary
3 Research Design
3.1 Research Hypotheses
3.2 Subjects
3.3 Instruments
3.3.1 Reading Comprehension Tests: Pre-test and Post-test
3.3.2 Questionnaire
3.4 Research Procedure
3.5 A Teaching Sample in the Experimental Class
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Data Collection
4.2 Results and Data Analysis
4.2.1 Results and Data Analysis on Pre-test and Post-test
4.2.2 Results and Data Analysis on Questionnaire
4.3 Discussion
4.3.1 Application of Basic-level Explicature of Relevance Theory
4.3.2 Advantage of Basic-level Explicature of Relevance Theory
4.3.3 Disadvantage of Basic-level Explicature of Relevance Theory
4.4 Summary
5 Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings of the Thesis
5.2 Suggestions of the Study
5.3 Limitation for Further Study
Appendix A Pre-test
Appendix B Post-test
Appendix C Questionnaire