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发布时间:2016-10-17 06:54




在新的发展阶段上,中国迈入了波澜壮阔、万象更新,以革新与发展为主旋律的历史新时期。在这样的时代背景下,思想政治教育无疑具有强烈的时代意 义与实践价值,但复杂的国际国内局势,使我们开展思想政治工作时,总会遇到这样那样的不足。回顾马克思主义中国化的历史进程,不难发现,作为“生命线”的思想政治教育工作曾经发挥了巨大的作用。无论以前、现在还是将来,思想政治教育都是推动社会变革的巨大思想力量,这是中国共产党人在任何时候都不能放松的重要工作。既然思想政治教育有光辉的创立、形成、发展、创新的历史,那么从中共几代领导人的思想政治工作理论中汲取养分,发扬思想政治工作的优良传统,无论对于学科体系的完善还是对于新时期社会主义核心价值体系的构建,都是理论性与现实性兼备的重要课题。中国共产党思想政治教育理论的研究在当前学界是一个非常热门的研究方向,包括对中共几代领导集体思想政治工作理论的研究以及一些纵向比较的研究。在吸收借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,本文的研究思路从两个方面入手:其一,通过对中共党史的研究,把握时代特点,提炼历代领导人思想政治教育理论中最精彩的部分;其二,在对中国共产党思想政治教育历史与现实的比较中,从整体性、创新性视角进行研究,实现对思想政治教育学科理论体系的初探。整体性通过继承以及沿革中的共性来体现;创新性是比较独立具有特色的部分,通过比较各个时期理论创新的“特点”来进行。本文分为五大部分,第一部分主要介绍思想政治教育的基本理论,首先对马恩列斯思想政治教育的主要内容作了提炼与升华,然后阐释了中国共产党思想政治教育理论形成的基础,明确了中国共产党思想政治教育的历史渊源、沿革与基础理论等基本不足。第二部分讲述毛泽东思想政治教育理论创新,首先阐明毛泽东等第一中共领导人面临的时代课题,然后论述这样的时代背景下思想政治教育的主要任务及呈现出的特点。第三部分讲述邓小平思想政治教育创新,其时代面临的课题决定了邓小平思想政治教育创新的主要内容,及其特点。第四部分讲述江泽民时期思想政治教育创新,面临更为复杂的国内外环境,应对这种形势,江泽民思想政治教育在继承与发展中具有了自身鲜明的特色。第五部分讲述胡锦涛时期思想政治教育创新,阐明了当前思想政治教育面临的时代特点,论述了新一代领导集体的思想政治教育创新把科学发展观贯穿思想政治教育全过程,具有鲜明的时代性与创新性。

【Abstract】 China enters a new stage in its history at which everything looks new and fresh, and the development is the key theme in this period.Under this environment, the ideological and political education is no doubt of great practical value, but the complex international situation will make problems for us when we are carrying out the task.Look back at the history of Marxism in China, we could easily find that the "lifeline" of ideological and political education has played an enormous role.The ideological and political education has been promoted the society forward whatever in the past or the future, and this could never be overlooked by the party. The ideological and political education has its own brilliant history of creation, formation, development and innovation, so the theoretical and practical construction of the theory from the system built by the leaders is the main subject in the new stage of socialism.The research on the ideological and political education is one of the hot subjects in the academic circle in china, and its interest includes the research of the ideological and political theories proposed by the leaders of the party. The research idea of the study includes two aspects based on the previous research achievements: firstly, the study summarizes the most exciting point of the theory through the research of the study of the history of the CPC; secondly, from the comparison of the history and the reality of the ideological and political education of the party, and seeing from the overall and creative point of view, the study tries to probe into the systemic theory of the ideological and political education. The overall part would be discussed from the common points of view, and the creative part will be discussed by the features in various stages.The study could be divided into five parts, the first part mainly introduces the basic theories of the ideological and political education, it firstly summarizes and enhances the basic idea of Marxism, then, it goes on to introduce the foundation of the formation of the ideological and political education, it also makes the source, the development and the theoretical basis of ideological and political education clear.The second part mainly discusses the innovation of the Mao Zedong’s ideological and political education. In this part, it firstly introduces the situation the leaders faced at that stage, then, it discusses the missions and the characteristics of ideological and political education at that stage.The third part discusses the innovation of Deng Xiaoping’s thought. The situation at stage decides the main content and the character of its ideological and political education.The fourth part mainly discusses Jiang Zemin’s thought. At this stage, it faces a more complex situation both at home and abroad, in order to suit to the situation, Jiang Zemin’s thought on ideological and political education succeeds and develops with its own character.The fifth part is Hu Jintao’s thought on ideological and political education. It firstly makes clear of the situation of ideological and political education at present, then, it goes on to take the scientific development to the whole stage which is distinctive and creative.

【关键词】 马克思主义中国化; 意识形态; 思想政治教育; 创新;
【Key words】 Maxism in China; Ideology; Ideological and Political Education; Innovation;

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  •   本文关键词:马克思主义中国化进程中的思想政治教育创新,由笔耕文化传播整理发布。




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