发布时间:2018-04-21 07:59
本文选题:中庸实践思维 + 家庭功能 ; 参考:《中南大学》2012年博士论文
【摘要】:目的: 1、在家庭成员父母样本和青少年子女样本中进行中庸行为自评量表和中庸价值量表的信效度检验。 2、探索中庸实践思维对家庭功能和心理健康的影响及影响路径。 方法: 1、以方便抽样的方式,抽取湖南省长沙市248名成年人和248青少年,对条目进行前期试测。随后分别再抽取278名成年人和青少年,采用主成分分析法对量表进行探索性因素分析。最后抽取401户家庭成员,其中780名父母和401名青少年子女对量表进行信效度检验。8周后,其中150名参加重测。信度采用Cronbach's α系数、条目与分量表相关和重测信度。验证性因素分析与分量表的相关检验结构效度。 2、采用相关分析、聚类分析、多元方差分析、线性回归分析的统计方法研究中庸实践思维对家庭功能和心理健康的影响,用LISEREL8.7软件建构中庸实践思维中介模型。 结果: 1、中庸量表信效度(1)修订后的中庸行为自评量表,进行探索性因素分析,提取四个因子累积解释率分别为63.07%。在成人样本中量表Cronbach's α系数为.713,各因子α系数在.710-.752之间;重测信度为0.687;条目与相应的因子作相关系数在0.47到0.76之间。青少年样本中量表Cronbach's α系数为.682,各因子α系数在.611-.689之间;重测信度为0.671;条目与相应的因子作相关系数在0.40到0.79之间。验证性因子分析的指标均达到测量学要求。(2)对中庸价值量表进行探索性因素分析,提取两个因子累积解释率为43.07%。中庸价值量表在成人样本中量表Cronbach's α系数为.723,各因子α系数在.621-.684之间;重测信度为0.722;条目与相应的因子作相关系数在0.48到0.54之间。青少年样本中量表Cronbach's α系数为.727,各因子α系数在.633-.639之间;重测信度为0.595;条目与相应的因子作相关系数在0.46到0.65之间。验证性因子分析的指标均达到测量学要求。 2、中庸实践思维对家庭功能和心理健康的影响:(1)中庸行为和中庸价值均与家庭功能和心理健康呈显著性相关(P0.01)。(2)中庸价值的中庸核心和自我收敛因子是家庭功能与心理健康的中介变量。中庸行为自评的负面中庸和克己因子是家庭功能与心理健康的中介变量。(3)中庸行为是中庸价值与家庭功能的中介变量。 结论: 1、中庸价值量表和修订后的中庸行为自评量表有较好信效度。 2、中庸实践思维正向影响家庭功能和心理健康。中庸实践思维在家庭功能与心理健康关系中具有中介效应。
[Abstract]:Objective: 1. The reliability and validity of the mean behavior Self-Rating scale and the mean value scale were tested in the parents' sample of family members and the sample of adolescent's children. 2. To explore the influence and path of mediocre practical thinking on family function and mental health. Methods: 1. 248 adults and 248 adolescents in Changsha, Hunan province were sampled by convenient sampling. Then 278 adults and adolescents were selected, and principal component analysis (PCA) was used to analyze the factors of the scale. Finally, 401 family members were selected, of whom 780 parents and 401 adolescent children were tested for reliability and validity of the scale for 8 weeks, of which 150 took part in the retest. The reliability was based on Cronbach's 伪 coefficient, item and subscale correlation and retest reliability. Confirmatory factor analysis and the correlation test of the component table are used to verify the structural validity. 2. Correlation analysis, cluster analysis, multivariate variance analysis and linear regression analysis were used to study the influence of mean practical thinking on family function and mental health, and LISEREL8.7 software was used to construct the mediating model of mean practical thinking. Results: 1. The reliability and validity of the mean scale were revised, and the exploratory factor analysis was carried out. The cumulative interpretation rate of the four factors was 63.07. In adult samples, the Cronbach's 伪 coefficient of the scale was .713, the 伪 coefficient of each factor was between .710-.752, the test-retest reliability was 0.687, and the correlation coefficient between the items and the corresponding factors was between 0.47 and 0.76. The Cronbach's 伪 coefficient of the scale was .682, the 伪 coefficient of each factor was between .611-.689, the test-retest reliability was 0.671, and the correlation coefficient between the items and the corresponding factors was between 0.40 and 0.79. The indexes of confirmatory factor analysis were all up to the requirement of measurement. (2) the exploratory factor analysis of the mean value scale was carried out, and the cumulative interpretation rate of the two factors was 43.07. The mean value scale in adult samples had a Cronbach's 伪 coefficient of .723, a coefficient of between .621-.684, a test-retest reliability of 0.722, and a correlation coefficient of 0.48 to 0.54. The Cronbach's 伪 coefficient of the scale was .727, the 伪 coefficient of each factor was between .633-.639, the test-retest reliability was 0.595, and the correlation coefficient between the items and the corresponding factors was 0.46 to 0.65. The index of confirmatory factor analysis is up to the requirement of measurement. (2) the influence of practical thinking of the mean on Family function and Mental Health: (1) mean behavior and mean value are significantly related to family function and mental health. The intermediary variable of mental health. The negative mediating factor of self-evaluation of mean behavior is the intermediary variable of family function and mental health. (3) mean behavior is the intermediary variable of mean value and family function. Conclusion: 1. The mean value scale and the revised mean behavior scale have good reliability and validity. 2. The practical thinking of the mean positively affects family function and mental health. Mediating practical thinking plays an intermediary role in the relationship between family function and mental health.
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