[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our economy and the rapid development of urbanization, many problems have been highlighted. Education has become the focus of attention, and the main direction of concern is the equality of educational opportunities and the realization of the right to education. This paper analyzes the educational fairness of our country according to the concrete reality of our country, through the guidance of the ancient educational fair thought and Marx's educational fair thought, and the reference to the advanced idea. Under the background of our country's social transition period, it is studied in the special period of reform and opening to the outside world. The realization of educational fairness is of great significance to the overall implementation of the scientific concept of development and the overall development of human beings. The problems faced by our country in education equity are quite complex and have historical reasons. There are institutional factors, the system is not yet perfect, and the law is not yet perfect. These problems are intertwined. As a result, it is very difficult to solve the problem of educational injustice in society through a single method. Instead, it is necessary to set up a system engineering and a long-term mechanism, and to comprehensively adjust and reverse the problem through manpower, material resources, intelligence, and so on. The formation of the educational system is based on the improvement of laws and policies, the realization of the overall development of human beings, and the diversity of educational methods. Our country regards the education fair as our country's basic national policy, the education fair has already become the social fair foundation, constructs the harmonious society premise, the social development prerequisite, the advancement education fair needs the government, the citizen, The participation of multiple subjects such as society. Our country has already made some achievements in the realization of education equity, especially the compulsory education has been fully realized, which can be said to basically meet the needs of people for education. However, with the improvement of the level of productivity, It can not meet the increasing demand for high quality educational resources, so the problem of educational equity is facing more challenges. Therefore, it is necessary to coordinate the development and comprehensive application of economic, social, political and cultural aspects in order to solve the problem of educational equity. The educational equity in our country should first meet the basic needs, then promote the all-round development of human beings according to the different needs of human beings, and finally realize the educational equity.
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