[Abstract]:It was an important measure in the reform of the New deal in the late Qing Dynasty to take the Institute of persuasion as the full-time administrative organization for the management of local academic affairs. This paper takes Baoshan County School of persuasion in Shanghai area in the late Qing Dynasty as a case study, and discusses the role and influence of the Institute of persuasion in the reform of private schools, the regulation and standardization of new schools, and the promotion of social education, and so on. It will be helpful to understand why the academic activities supervised by the Institute can continue to develop in the Republic of China, and the historical significance of these practical activities in the Republic of China, so as to analyze the foundation laid down for the popularization of primary education, so as to help understand the reasons why the academic activities supervised by the Institute can continue to develop in the Republic of China.
【作者单位】: 上海社会科学院历史研究所;
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