[Abstract]:"between now and the middle of the 21 century, no disaster has caused as much pain and suffering as a psychological crisis," a UNESCO report said. According to the statistics of psychological institutions, the proportion of adolescent students who are mentally unhealthy or have mental disorders is on the rise with the increase of age. This paper reviews the current situation of the theoretical research and teaching practice of mental health education in senior high school students, and aims at the unsolved problems in theory and the problems found in the practice of education and teaching. Through the analysis of the counseling cases accumulated in the school psychological counseling room in recent years, the common psychological problems of high school students are known and classified, the causes and manifestations are understood, and the practical effects of various individual counseling methods are also analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. The results show that the psychological problems of high school students can be divided into interpersonal communication problems, learning problems and personality development problems. Among the three problems, learning problems are the most common, followed by interpersonal problems and personality development problems. The common individual counseling methods include letter, telephone, short message, QQ, email and interview. Each way has its own advantages and limitations, through the comprehensive use of a variety of counseling methods, often can achieve good results. Then, through the analysis of some psychological survey data, namely, the adolescent life event scale, the middle school student coping style scale, the Chinese middle school student mental health scale, the result shows that, The classification of the three psychological problems is feasible, and their symptoms are different. In terms of severity, the students with personality development problems have the lowest level of mental health, the students with learning problems and interpersonal problems have a higher level of mental health, but compared with the general students, it is still low. Negative coping style is one of the causes of psychological problems. The results also showed that the students with psychological problems had higher scores in interpersonal relationship factor, health adaptation factor and total stress, but the difference was not only the cause of psychological problems, but also the result of psychological problems.
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