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发布时间:2018-01-05 06:00

  本文关键词:大学生网络欺负对心理健康的影响 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大学生 网络欺负 心理健康 网络社会支持 心理弹性

[Abstract]:Objective: To investigate the cyber bullying effect on mental health of college students, social support network analysis, the effect of psychological elasticity between the two, construction of College Students' network bullying on the impact of mental health model, from the perspective of individual and environment, analysis of cyber bullying and bullying on the overall network of College students' psychological health level mechanisms. This study using the method of questionnaire, the use of cyber bullying scale, symptom checklist (SCL-90), Internet social support questionnaire and Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale of 608 college students were investigated, using SPSS19.0 and AMOS21.0 for descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, single factor analysis of variance test, intermediary effect analysis and regulation effect. Results: (1) different gender and subjects the students do not exist significant differences in psychological health level (t=-0.27, P0.05; F=-0.38, P0.05); the only difference The children of origin and cyber bullying there are significant differences in the mental health level of college students the role of (t=-2.29, P0.05; t=-4.64, p0.001; F=11.26, p0.001); (2) cyber bullying victimization network dimensions, dimensions support has a significant positive correlation with the social network (r= 0.25, P0.01; r=0.29, P0.01), and mental health a significant positive correlation (r=0.20, P0.01; r=0.23, P0.01); resilience and cyber bullying and victimization network dimensions were not significant correlated (r=0.01, P0.05; r=0.01, P0.05), and mental health was negatively correlated (r=-0.32, P0.01); (3) social support network are bullying dimension in the network, the network is bullied the dimensions and mental health between the part of the intermediary role significant mediating effect was 24.11% and 22.03% respectively; (4) effect of resilience on cyber bullying and mental health are not significant; resilience can significantly adjust the network bullying prediction on mental health . conclusion: (1) cyber bullying victimization network dimension, dimension, social support and mental health network has a significant positive correlation; (2) the online social support network in the network were bullied, bullying and mental health are part of the intermediary role; (3) resilience can not adjust the role of cyber bullying mental health, can adjust the network effect on bullying mental health.



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