本文选题:亲子依恋 + 自尊 ; 参考:《四川师范大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Acceptance of second child refers to the level of acceptance of younger brother and sister in three aspects: cognition, emotion and behavior.With the opening of the two-child policy, more and more families are about to usher in a new life.Studies have shown that only-child acceptance of the "second child" is low.However, there are few empirical studies on the acceptance of second child in China. Therefore, the relationship between parent-child attachment, self-esteem, empathy and acceptance of "second child" is studied in this study.In this study, 576 students aged 6 to 15 were selected as subjects, including 253 only children, 259 non-only children and 64 students with younger siblings.Empathy, self-esteem and acceptance of a second child.The results showed that there were no significant differences in parent-child attachment sex, age and birth place among all subjects, but there were significant differences in family situation.The results were as follows: the degree of parent-child attachment and parent-child attachment between the only child and the students with younger brother and sister were significantly higher than those of the non-only child, and there were significant differences in gender, age, family situation and birthplace among all subjects.Specific performance: girls in fantasy and empathy on the total score significantly higher than boys.The students who are about to have younger brothers and sisters are higher in empathy and in all dimensions than non-only children, the only child in the total score of empathy, point of view, fantasy,The fantasy level of the students aged 8 to 11 was significantly higher than that of the students aged from 8 to 15 years old. The total score of empathy was significantly higher than that of the students aged 6 to 7 years old.The scores of empathy and some dimensions of urban students were higher than those of rural students, only there was no significant difference in personal grief dimension. There was no significant difference in self-esteem of all subjects in gender, but in family situation.There were significant differences in age and birthplace. The scores of self-esteem, appearance, discipline and sense of achievement were significantly higher than those of non-only children in the dimensions of self-esteem, appearance, discipline and sense of achievement between the only child and the student who was about to have a younger brother and sister, but in the ability dimension.Non-only children were significantly higher than only children and students with younger siblings.The older the students, the higher the total self-esteem score.The self-esteem level of urban students was significantly higher than that of rural students. There was no significant difference in the acceptance level of all subjects in gender, but there were significant differences in family situation, age and place of birth.The results showed that students with younger siblings were significantly higher than non-only children in the total acceptance score.The emotional and cognitive acceptance of the only child and the upcoming younger brother and sister was significantly higher than that of the non-only child.The higher the age, the higher the total score of acceptance and the higher the level of cognitive acceptance. The emotional acceptance of students aged 12-15 is significantly higher than that of students aged 6-11 years old or 8-15 years old than that of students aged 6-7 years.The total scores and dimensions of acceptance of urban students were significantly higher than that of rural students. The parent-child attachment of only child and non-only child and each dimension had significant predictive effect on the total score of admission.Self-esteem, empathy and each dimension also had significant predictive effect on the total score of acceptance. There was a certain relationship between parent-child attachment, self-esteem, empathy and acceptance level of only child.It is shown that self-esteem and empathy play an intermediary role between attachment and acceptance of parents and children.There is no such relationship between parent-child attachment, self-esteem, empathy and acceptance level.
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