本文选题:高等职业院校学生 + 职业 ; 参考:《江西师范大学》2006年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the development of social economy and the adjustment of industrial structure, the country should vigorously develop higher vocational education, train advanced technical personnel to meet the demand, so the number of students in higher vocational colleges is increasing. However, the employment situation in our country is very severe, the employment of college graduates is very difficult, the most prominent is the employment of vocational students, the employment rate of higher vocational students in the past years is the lowest in the employment rate of college students. On the one hand, there is a shortage of senior vocational and technical talents, on the other hand, a large number of vocational college students trained by the state cannot find a job. Based on the questionnaire and psychological tests, this paper makes a study on vocational psychology of vocational college students and draws the following conclusions: (1) there are a large number of students in higher vocational colleges who do not have their own professional ideals, or are not clear about their own professional ideals, or have ideals. But the ideal is impractical; (2) the vocational values of higher vocational students are rich in utilitarian consciousness, and the consciousness of social responsibility is weak; (3) the vocational tendency of higher vocational students is in turn: social type, conventional type, artistic type, enterprise type, practical type, research type. The vocational tendency of most vocational college students is consistent with the training goal of vocational college students; (4) there are significant gender differences in the types of vocational tendency of vocational college students, but there is no obvious difference in grade; (5) the employment consciousness of vocational college students is not strong. Nearly half of the people do not know their own advantages and disadvantages, more than 60% of vocational students are not prepared for employment; (6) the lack of vocational planning is quite common. Based on the results of the investigation and research on the occupational psychology of the above vocational college students, the following countermeasures are put forward: (1) promoting economic growth, creating employment opportunities, expanding channels, expanding employment, grasping the market, (2) to create a good environment and atmosphere for job-hunting, (3) to adjust the curriculum and to train talents by "order". (4) to strengthen the mental health education of vocational college students, especially to pay attention to vocational guidance. The main work of vocational guidance is to guide vocational college students to set up a correct sense of job selection and scientific outlook on job selection and to do a good job of psychological guidance.
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