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发布时间:2018-11-22 12:15
【摘要】: 受教育权是公民的基本人权,我国宪法也规定了公民有受教育的权利,但实践中农民的受教育权得不到和市民平等的对待。农民受教育权被侵犯的现象十分普遍,接受教育的多少影响到其他权利的实现与否。受教育是当今社会个人生存和发展不可或缺的途径,农民的受教育权能否得到有效保护,关系到整个民族的未来。 本文从受教育权的概念开始行文,理论联系我国农民受教育实际,并结合具体数据分析了我国农民受教育权的不平等现状,指出农民受教育权的不平等对其他权利的影响,最后为改变这种不平等的状况探索了几点保障农民受教育权的具体措施。 全文共论述了四个部分: 第一部分,对受教育权进行综述,从公民与国家权利义务关系的角度分析了受教育权的概念,以及受教育在我国宪法中的性质,指出我国宪法对受教育定性的合理性。对受教育权进行价值定位,结合国际人权文件的规定指出教育的目的在于充分发展人的个性并加强对人权和基本自由的尊重。重点论述受教育权最具有核心意义的价值就是平等。 第二部分,从二元社会结构中找出农民受教育权不平等的根源。围绕户籍制度划分的城乡二元社会结构给农民铸上了“二等公民”身份的烙印,由此而导致农民的权利与市民的不平等,尤其表现在受教育权利上,通过大量数据指出城乡受教育的差异,分析农民的受教育权在学前教育、义务教育、非义务教育(含高等教育)中与市民相比严重不平等现象。 第三部分,对于农民人权的保障要求农民参与到其中来,这就需要通过受教育来提高农民的文化素质从而加深对权利的认识和理解。受教育是农民掌握知识,维护和行使其他权利的前提与基础,农民受教育权的缺失,直接或间接的导致农民的政治权利、生存权、财产权不能得到充分的实现和维护,以致陷入权利贫困和经济贫困的怪圈。 第四部分,受教育权能否真正实现取决于权利的保障体系健全与否。综合前文提出的农民受教育权不平等问题,指出几点保障农民受教育权的具体方法。受教育权是国际社会公认的基本人权,也是我国宪法规定的一项基本权利,受教育权的宪法保障是贯穿于受教育权保障全部过程的宏观指导理论和基本原则,其法律效力如何直接影响其保障的方式和程度。文章首先从违宪审查角度谈宪法保障然后又从立法保障、制度创新、政策倾斜、司法救济角度给出了保障农民受教育权的措施。 本文写作的目的就是寻求农民的受教育权能够得到平等保障,通过对农民受教育权的切实保障来推进我国人权保护的进程,实现城乡的和谐发展。
[Abstract]:The right to education is a basic human right of citizens. The Constitution of our country also stipulates that citizens have the right to education, but in practice, the right to education of peasants cannot be treated equally with citizens. The violation of farmers' right to education is very common, and the amount of education affects the realization of other rights. Education is an indispensable way for individual survival and development in the present society. Whether farmers' right to education can be effectively protected is related to the future of the whole nation. This paper begins with the concept of the right to education, combines the theory with the reality of education of farmers in our country, and analyzes the present situation of the inequality of the right to education of peasants in our country, and points out the influence of the inequality of the right to education of peasants on other rights. Finally, this paper explores some concrete measures to protect farmers' right to education. This paper discusses four parts: the first part summarizes the right to education, analyzes the concept of the right to education from the point of view of the relationship between citizens and the rights and obligations of the state, and the nature of education in the Constitution of our country. The author points out that the constitution of our country is reasonable for the nature of education. This paper defines the value of the right to education and points out that the purpose of education is to fully develop human personality and strengthen respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in combination with the provisions of international human rights documents. The most important value of the right to education is equality. The second part, from the dual social structure to find out the root of the inequality of farmers' right to education. The urban-rural dual social structure, which is divided around the household registration system, has cast a mark of "second-class citizenship" on farmers, which leads to the inequality between peasants' rights and citizens, especially in the right to education. This paper points out the difference between urban and rural education through a great deal of data, and analyzes the serious inequality of peasants' right to education in preschool education, compulsory education and non-compulsory education (including higher education) compared with citizens. In the third part, the protection of farmers' human rights requires farmers to participate in it, which requires that farmers' cultural quality be improved through education so as to deepen the understanding and understanding of their rights. Education is the premise and foundation for farmers to master knowledge, maintain and exercise other rights. The lack of farmers' right to education directly or indirectly leads to the peasants' political rights, survival rights and property rights can not be fully realized and maintained. To the point of falling into a cycle of power poverty and economic poverty. The fourth part, whether the right to education can be realized depends on whether the right protection system is sound or not. This paper synthesizes the inequality of peasants' right to education, and points out some concrete methods to guarantee their right to education. The right to education is recognized by the international community as a basic human right, and it is also a basic right stipulated in the Constitution of our country. The constitutional protection of the right to education is a macroscopic guiding theory and basic principle that runs through the whole process of the protection of the right to education. How its legal effect directly affects the way and degree of its protection. The article first discusses the constitutional protection from the angle of unconstitutional review, and then puts forward the measures to protect the peasants' right to education from the angle of legislative protection, system innovation, policy inclination and judicial relief. The purpose of this paper is to seek the equal guarantee of peasants' right to receive education, to promote the process of human rights protection and to realize the harmonious development of urban and rural areas through the practical guarantee of peasants' right to education.


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