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发布时间:2019-06-05 21:00
【摘要】:2001年教育部制定的《基础教育课程改革纲要》提出:大力推进信息技术在教学过程中的普遍应用,促进信息技术与学科课程的整合。可见,将现代信息技术应用于教学已成为基础教育课程改革的必然趋势。研究现代信息技术在初中生物学教学中的应用以及在贯彻新课程理念和落实三维课程目标方面发挥的作用,对深化基础教育课程改革起到一定的推动作用,并对生物学教师如何更科学、更有效的应用现代信息技术提供一定的借鉴。 本研究主要采用文献法、调查法、实验法和案例法,对现代信息技术在初中生物学教学中应用的现状和效果进行调查研究,尤其是在贯彻新课程理念和落实课程目标方面发挥的优势进行了透彻地分析。调查发现应用中存在的问题和原因,提出解决问题的对策及新课程理念下现代信息技术在初中生物学教学中的应用策略,在初中生物学教学中实施验证。 本研究用编制的“现代信息技术在初中生物学教学中应用现状的教师调查问卷”和“现代信息技术在初中生物学教学中应用现状的学生调查问卷”分别对烟台和威海市的初一生物学教师82人、初一学生514人开展问卷调查,并结合部分学生和教师的访谈进行分析。 调查结果显示现代信息技术在教学中应用的问题主要有:软硬件建设不平衡,设备使用率不高;生物学教师对现代信息技术应用目的认识不足;生物学教师的多媒体课件制作能力和网络应用能力有待提高;生物学师资培训薄弱;生物学教师应用现代信息技术落实课程目标不到位;生物学教师落实能力和情感目标的效果有待提高。 在对调查结果进行分析的基础上,结合新课程改革的生物学课程理念与三维课程目标,提出解决问题的对策:加强硬、软件建设力度,满足教学需要;转变观念,增强生物学教师的现代化教育意识;统筹兼顾,丰富生物学教师信息技术知识体系;合理实施新课程理念下现代信息技术在生物学教学中的应用策略。应用策略包括实现知识与技能目标策略;实现过程与方法目标策略;实现情感态度与价值观目标策略。其中,部分策略的实施是以笔者自建的专题学习网站为平台。 将现代信息技术的应用策略应用于初中生物学教学进行实证研究,通过一学期的实施发现:在初中生物学教学中渗透现代信息技术的应用策略,能显著地提高初中生的生物学学习兴趣、学习态度、学习主动性,并能显著地提高他们的生物科学素养。
[Abstract]:In 2001, the Ministry of Education formulated the Outline of the Curriculum Reform of the Basic Education: to promote the universal application of information technology in the course of teaching and to promote the integration of information technology and subject curriculum. It can be seen that the application of modern information technology in the teaching has become the inevitable trend of the basic education curriculum reform. To study the application of modern information technology in the biology teaching of junior high school, and to play a role in carrying out the new curriculum idea and the implementation of the three-dimensional curriculum goals, to promote the reform of the basic education curriculum, and to make more scientific research on the biology teachers, It provides some reference for more effective application of modern information technology. This study mainly uses the literature method, the investigation method, the experimental method and the case law to investigate the present situation and effect of the application of the modern information technology in the biology teaching of junior high school, especially in carrying out the new curriculum idea and the implementation of the course objectives. The paper analyses the problems and causes in the application, and puts forward the strategy of solving the problem and the application strategy of the modern information technology in the biology teaching of junior high school. The "The Current Situation of the Application of Modern Information Technology in the Biology Teaching of Junior Middle School;" and the "A Survey of the Current Situation of the Application of Modern Information Technology in the Biology Teaching of Junior High School" used in this study respectively carried out a questionnaire survey on the primary biological teachers of Yantai and Weihai, and 514 of the first and the first students, and combined with the interviews of some of the students and the teachers. The survey results show that the application of modern information technology in teaching is mainly as follows: the construction of hardware and software is not balanced, the utilization rate of equipment is not high, and the application of biology teachers to modern information technology Insufficient awareness; the ability of the multimedia courseware making and network application of the biological teachers to be improved; the training of biology teachers is weak; the application of modern information technology to the biology teachers is not in place; the biological teachers carry out the effect of the ability and the emotional goal. The result is to be improved. On the basis of the analysis of the results, this paper puts forward the countermeasures to solve the problem based on the biology course idea and the three-dimensional curriculum goal of the new curriculum reform: to strengthen the hard and software construction, to meet the needs of teaching, to change the concept and to strengthen the biological teachers Modern education consciousness; overall consideration, rich biological teacher information technology knowledge system; rational implementation of the new curriculum idea, modern information technology in biology teaching The application strategy in the study. The application strategy includes the strategy of realizing the knowledge and skill, the realization of the strategy of the process and the method, and the realization of the emotional attitude. The implementation of some strategies is based on the author's self-built subject. The application strategy of modern information technology is applied to the biology teaching of junior high school, and it is found that the application strategy of modern information technology in the biology teaching of junior middle school can improve the biology of junior high school students. Learning interest, learning attitude, learning initiative, and significantly improving


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