发布时间:2018-12-31 08:11
【摘要】:正 e-Learning可以定义为基于信息通讯技术的在线学习/培训。e-Learning的概念约在10年前提出。美国是e-Learning的发源地。目前,在美国通过网络进行学习的人数正以每年300%的速度增长,并且有60%的企业通过网络的形式培训员工。
[Abstract]:Positive e-Learning can be defined as online learning / training based on ICT. The concept of e-Learning was proposed about 10 years ago. The United States is the birthplace of e-Learning. Currently, the number of people studying online in the United States is growing at a rate of 300% a year, and 60% of enterprises train their employees through the Internet.
[Abstract]:Positive e-Learning can be defined as online learning / training based on ICT. The concept of e-Learning was proposed about 10 years ago. The United States is the birthplace of e-Learning. Currently, the number of people studying online in the United States is growing at a rate of 300% a year, and 60% of enterprises train their employees through the Internet.
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