[Abstract]:Education system is the general name of adjusting the rules or norms of school and teacher-student behavior in the process of educational activities. The education system includes both the formal system and the informal system. By clearly defining duties, rights and obligations, the education system makes every individual or group in the education system clear what to do or should not do, so that their behavior can be followed by rules, so that they play a disciplined role in the subject of the education system. The reason why the education system has the power of discipline can be analyzed from three aspects: first, from the emergence of the education system, the education system has been approved by most people, which is the product of people's agreement; second, from the nature of the education system, the education system is the unity of regularity and purpose; Third, from the point of view of the implementation process of the education system, the education system itself represents the wishes and requirements of the majority of people. It is authoritative, mandatory and universal. In the process of education and teaching, all students should follow all kinds of rules and regulations of the school.
【作者单位】: 西南大学教育科学研究所 西南大学教育学院
【基金】:重庆市教育科学规划项目“学校教育的隐性力量研究”(项目批准号:04-GJ-085) 西南大学博士基金项目研究成果之一
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