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发布时间:2017-12-28 09:00

  本文关键词:德国应用科技大学创建发展、办学特色及其启示 出处:《河北科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 德国应用科技大学 应用型人才 发展历程 办学特色 地方本科院校

[Abstract]:At present, China is in the critical stage of industrial transformation and upgrading. It needs millions of thousands of senior white-collar workers and senior blue collar talents. In 2014, the State Council issued the decision on accelerating the development of modern vocational education, put forward specific measures for building modern vocational education system, and urged actively promoting the construction of Applied Science and Technology University. Learning from the successful experience of the University of Applied Science and technology in Germany, it is of great value to solve the bottleneck problems faced by the construction of Applied Science and Technology University and promote the reform of undergraduate level applied talents training mode. In the late 1960s, the German economy was developing rapidly, and the demand for applied talents increased greatly. The German government began to explore the diversified development mode of higher education. After several explorations, the University of applied science came into being. The early application University of science and technology was mainly merged by the engineering schools and senior professional schools with better running conditions. Its German name is "Fachhochschulen" (FH), but its size is small, its types are relatively single, and its professional settings are narrow. In 1980s, the German government made comprehensive use of laws and policies to promote the development of the University of Applied Science and technology. The application of Applied Science and Technology University has expanded its student source scope, and its specialty has been showing a comprehensive and aggregated nature. The school running mode has begun to internationalize, and the right of conferring academic degrees has been granted. The quality of applied talents has been recognized by the society. At present, the University of Applied Science and technology in Germany has developed into a type of higher education juxtaposed with comprehensive universities and vocational colleges. It has become an important part of the German "H" type higher education system. This study uses a variety of research methods to systematically analyze the characteristics of the University of Applied Science and technology in Germany and summarize its successful experience innovatively. The characteristics of German University of applied science is mainly embodied in the clear positioning, mainly through the cultivation of applied talents for social services; two is a professional set flexible, by dynamically adjusting the curriculum, updating teaching content timely and actively adapt to market demand; the three is the process of personnel training practice focus, strengthen practice and training through the establishment of a separate internship semester using the project teaching method and the "dual system" mode of education and so on; the four is the "double" teachers, improving the cultivation quality of Applied Talents in Colleges and universities. For our country, first, we should take the development policy of modern vocational education as the grasp, change the public concept and strengthen the training of applied talents. The two is to improve the connection mechanism of higher education, and actively build the cross bridge between the applied universities and the multi-level higher education, so as to provide a variety of channels for the growth of college students. The three is to guide the industry enterprises to participate in the training of applied talents, so as to diversify the main body of the school. Four, colleges and universities should clarify their own school running orientation, take professional setup as the breakthrough point, support production and teaching integration as the support, and "double qualified" teachers as the guarantee, and appropriately develop applied graduate education, and practically train applied talents for the society.


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