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发布时间:2018-01-03 10:04

  本文关键词:临床教学基地教学质量评价指标体系研究 出处:《福建医科大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 临床教学 教学质量 评价指标

[Abstract]:Objective: To evaluate the quality of clinical teaching base is an important part of the quality assurance system of undergraduate teaching in medical colleges. For a long time, the evaluation of the clinical teaching base of local medical colleges mainly in the construction of teaching condition, in the process of teaching management, teaching quality, students' Cultivation Quality evaluation has not been reflected in this study through the literature review. The status quo, research, questionnaire survey, expert interviews and other means, relying on the Fujian Medical University, to build a more scientific and reasonable teaching quality evaluation index system of clinical teaching bases, to guide and standardize clinical teaching base for clinical undergraduate teaching work, strengthen the construction of undergraduate teaching quality in medical colleges internal security system to provide decision-making reference. Methods: the study by consulting a large number of the literature, related policy documents, combined with the actual situation of the school, a collection of 56 evaluation indexes for Delphi is an alternative. Through expert consultation, screening and determine the evaluation index of clinical teaching base and teaching quality, using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to determine the weight of each index. Selecting 1 affiliated hospitals, 2 empirical studies carried out by non Affiliated Hospital, to evaluate the quality of undergraduate teaching hospital. The main results: (1) established 53 teaching quality of clinical teaching bases including the evaluation index, according to the teaching guiding ideology, teaching management, teaching conditions, teaching and development of students in 5 aspects, covering all aspects of clinical teaching organization, implementation and effect, representative and strong operability. (2) according to the dimension of target layer layer, index layer, each layer, determine the index weight coefficient of each index, clearly accounted for in the comprehensive evaluation system of teaching quality in the proportion (3). The empirical study shows that the non Affiliated Hospital in the teaching conditions and straight The quality is hospital management, teaching in the work place, directly affiliated hospital, teaching and development of students than the non directly affiliated hospital. Conclusion: high quality comprehensive evaluation of teaching quality of clinical teaching base is a more complex, but the broad application prospect. Do the evaluation work, not only to establish a scientific and reasonable evaluation system also, should set up a reasonable evaluation team is responsible for the specific work, but also to make full use of information technology. The evaluation results not only reflect the teaching level of teaching hospitals, but also reflect the teaching quality assurance level of hospitals and schools, has double significance.



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