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发布时间:2018-01-04 16:05

  本文关键词:新媒体推动校园文化繁荣发展问题研究 出处:《河南农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 新媒体 校园文化 校园网络 挑战

【摘要】:随着人类社会的进步与科学技术的迅猛发展,新的信息传播媒介不断涌现,人们获取信息的方式发生了飞跃性的改变。以数字技术为支撑的新媒体逐渐进入人们的视野,新媒体被广泛应用在社会生活的各个领域。新媒体给高校校园文化的繁荣发展带来了新机遇的同时,也提出了严峻的挑战。在新媒体环境下如何利用新媒体进行校园文化建设,如何建设适合高校本身的校园文化,这是一个重大的理论和实践课题。 本文以新媒体的发展为研究背景,主要研究新媒体对校园文化建设的影响。采用调查法、观察法和文献研究法等研究方法。本论文分为五部分论述,在新媒体环境下校园文化发展繁荣现状的基础上,就新媒体环境下如何加强校园文化建设作出了一定的思考。旨在进一步完善和发展新时期校园文化建设的实践和理论,促进校园文化的发展和繁荣。第一部分主要阐述了与新媒体相关的几个概念,界定了新媒体和文化及校园文化的概念、特征。第二个部分就新形势下校园文化的发展现状进行探讨,分析在新媒体环境下校园文化发展的新特点。其展现出获取信息方式的多样性、参与方式的新特点和与社会文化紧密相连等特点。第三部分通过对调查问卷的总结和分析,概括新时期校园文化面临的机遇和需要应对的挑战。第四部分国外借助新媒体发展校园文化对我们的启示。第五部分针对新媒体环境下如何加强校园文化建设,从多方面进行思考。在新媒体环境下建设校园文化要坚持正确的指导思想,,要坚持学生的主体地位。同时还要全社会营造良好的文化氛围和完善校园文化繁荣发展的保障机制,共同推进校园文化的发展和繁荣。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology and the progress of human society, information dissemination media continue to emerge, the great leap to change the way people get information. For the new media based on digital technology support gradually into people's vision, the new media is widely used in various fields of social life. The new media to the prosperity and development of colleges and universities the campus culture has brought new opportunities and challenges. How to use new media for the construction of campus culture in the new media environment, how to build suitable university campus culture itself, it is a major theoretical and practical issues.
In this paper, the development of the new media as the research background, mainly studies the influence of new media on the construction of campus culture. By using the method of investigation, methods of observation and literature review. This paper is divided into five parts, based on the new media environment of campus culture development and prosperity on the current situation, how to strengthen the construction of campus culture in new the media environment has made certain thinking. To further improve and develop the theory and practice of the construction of campus culture in the new period, to promote the development and prosperity of campus culture. The first part mainly expounds the related concepts and defines the concept of new media, new media, and culture and campus culture characteristics. The second part is the development of the current situation of campus culture under the new situation to carry on the discussion, analysis of new characteristics in the development of campus culture under the new media environment. It reflects the diversity of information acquisition way, to participate in the new The characteristics and social culture are closely related. The third part through the analysis and summary of the questionnaire are summarized campus culture in new era of opportunities and challenges need to be addressed. The fourth part of the foreign aid of new media development of the campus culture of the enlightenment to us. The fifth part is about how to strengthen the construction of campus culture under the new media environment, thinking from many aspects. The construction of campus culture should adhere to the correct guiding ideology in the new media environment, to adhere to the dominant position of students. At the same time, the whole society to create a good cultural atmosphere and improve the campus cultural prosperity and development of the safeguard mechanism, to jointly promote the development and prosperity of campus culture.



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