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发布时间:2018-01-07 05:44

  本文关键词:合肥师范学院二级院系行政人员绩效管理研究 出处:《安徽大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 二级院系 行政管理人员 绩效管理

【摘要】:随着高等教育大众化时代的到来,高水平的师资与管理干部队伍日益成为各高校发展中的核心竞争力,为此,各高校纷纷采用二级管理的新模式,并在日常教学管理过程中引入绩效管理的先进经验。然而,与蓬勃的师资队伍建设相比,行政管理人员队伍建设相对滞后。作为学校管理工作中上传下达的中坚力量,如何对二级院系行政管理人员实施卓有成效、因人而异的绩效管理,进而提高工作绩效,是进一步提高高校管理水平工作所面临的重要课题。 本文在研究国内外高校绩效管理发展的趋势和特点的基础上,论证了课题研究的必要性及其现实意义,同时对相关理论进行了阐述,而后以合肥师范学院二级院系行政管理人员绩效管理过程为例,沿着提出问题-分析问题-解决问题的思路,按照绩效管理的流程,即绩效计划、绩效管理、绩效考核、绩效反馈、绩效结果应用的步骤,探讨了合师院对于二级院系行政管理人员绩效管理中所取得的成效及存在的问题,并通过问卷调查、走访的方式,对问题产生的原因进行了分析。 最后,本文依据绩效管理的相关理论,提出了完善合肥师范学院二级院系行政管理人员绩效管理的构想,即加强宣传,制定明确的绩效管理计划,进行详尽的宣传、辅导与沟通,优化绩效考核方案设计,合理利用并及时反馈绩效评价的结果。
[Abstract]:With the advent of the popularization of higher education , the high level of teachers and management cadres has become the core competence in the development of colleges and universities . For this reason , colleges and universities have adopted the new mode of secondary management , and introduced the advanced experience of performance management in the course of daily teaching management . However , compared with the construction of Pengbo ' s teaching staff , the construction of administrative managers has lagged behind . On the basis of studying the trends and characteristics of the development of the performance management at home and abroad , this paper expounds the necessity and realistic significance of the research of the subject . At the same time , it expounds the relevant theories , and then takes the process of the performance management of the second - level department of Hefei Normal College as an example , and then discusses the achievements and problems in the performance management of the second - level faculties of the two - level faculties along the basis of the process of performance management , namely , the performance plan , the performance management , the performance appraisal , the performance feedback and the performance result application , and analyzes the causes of the problems through the questionnaire and the interview . Finally , according to the theory of performance management , this paper puts forward the concept of improving the performance management of the second - level department of Hefei Normal College , that is to strengthen the propaganda , establish clear performance management plan , carry out detailed publicity , coaching and communication , optimize the design of performance appraisal scheme , make rational use and timely feedback the results of performance evaluation .



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