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发布时间:2018-01-07 16:24

  本文关键词:基于创新人才培养下的大学精神文化建设研究 出处:《曲阜师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大学文化 大学精神 大学理念 创新人才

【摘要】:无论是理论界关于创新的精辟论述,还是我们日常生活中社会方方面面对创新人才的渴望,都使得我们意识到创新人才对于国家强盛和社会发展具有的重要意义。大学作为高级人才的培养基地,应当适应社会的需求,培养出足够数量和较高质量的创新人才。创新人才的培养需要大学文化建设作支持,大学精神文化作为大学文化的核心及灵魂,在大学文化建设过程中具有关键性作用,只有把大学精神文化很好的建设起来,,才能为社会培养出一批批具有创新意识以及创新思维的创新型人才。因此,基于创新人才的培养去研究大学精神文化建设是非常有必要的。 本文将从三个方面分别论述创新人才培养目标下的大学精神文化应如何去建设,首先分别阐述了大学、大学文化、大学精神文化以及创新人才的内涵,并从四个方面来分析大学精神文化对创新人才培养的作用;其次阐述了大学精神文化在培养创新人才过程中存在的问题,由于受传统观念以及社会经济不良风俗习惯的影响,大学的办学理念出现了功利化、实用主义的倾向,使得大学精神出现了缺失和弱化,从而出现了办学目标的标准化倾向,缺乏个性化;最后针对上述存在的问题并结合当前社会发展现状,在吸取世界一流大学建设经验的基础上,指出大学要实现培养创新人才,完成社会所赋予的历史使命,就必须树立理性的办学理念,坚持自由、民主、实事求是的科学作风,有效的避免功利化、实用主义倾向,与政治保持一定的距离,同时还要重塑大学精神,坚持以学生为本、加强科学精神与人文精神并重、独立批判精神和科学的培养观,培养学生的创新意识和创新精神。除此之外,个性化办学以及学术自由理念下的宽松、自由的学术理念和带有学术创新氛围的校园文化在培养创新人才方面所起到的作用也是不容忽视的。通过营造浓厚的学术氛围以及优化课程结构、更新教育内容、强化教学实践等等,利用启发式的教学方法来建立探究创新的校园文化。
[Abstract]:Both the theoretical circles on the innovation exposition and the social aspects of our daily life in the face of the desire for innovative talents, make us realize the important meaning of innovative talents with the national prosperity and social development. The University as a base for training senior personnel, should meet the needs of society, to cultivate innovative talents with enough quantity and high the quality of the support. The need of training creative talents construction of university culture and university spirit culture as the core and soul of university culture, plays a key role in the process of campus culture construction, only the construction of university spirit culture is very good, in order to cultivate a group of innovative talents with innovative consciousness and innovative thinking for the society. Therefore, based on the cultivation of innovative talents to study the construction of university spirit culture is very necessary.
This paper will be discussed from three aspects: the spirit of university culture construction under the goal of how to cultivate innovative talents, firstly elaborates the connotation of university culture, university culture and university spirit of innovative talents, and analyzed from four aspects of university spirit culture on the cultivation of creative people; secondly, the spirit of University culture in the process of cultivating innovative talents in the problem, due to the influence of traditional ideas and the social economy bad customs, the idea of the University of the utilitarianism, pragmatism tendency, the university spirit appeared and weakening, which appeared in the standard tendency, the lack of personalized educational goals; finally, in view of the above problems combined with the current status of social development, based on the experience of a world first-class university, pointed out that the university to realize the cultivation of innovative talents, to complete Entrusted by the society's mission, it must establish a rational concept, insist on freedom, democracy, scientific style, effectively avoid the utilitarianism, pragmatism, and maintain a certain distance from the political, but also reshape the university spirit, adhere to the student oriented, and strengthen the scientific spirit and humanistic spirit, the cultivation of independent criticism the spirit and the scientific concept of cultivating students' innovative consciousness and innovative spirit. In addition, personalized education and academic freedom under the concept of academic freedom and the idea of loose, with academic innovation atmosphere of campus culture plays a role in cultivating innovative talents can not be ignored. By creating a strong academic atmosphere and optimization the course structure, renew the education content, strengthen the teaching practice and so on, to build on the innovative use of heuristic teaching method of campus culture.



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