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发布时间:2018-01-07 20:42

  本文关键词:高校突发事件舆论引导问题研究 出处:《西南交通大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高校 突发事件 舆论引导 运行机制 研究

【摘要】:随着人类社会纵深发展,突发事件严重破坏性影响不断为人们敲响警钟,而在突发事件危机处置过程中强化舆论引导的作用发挥更为不可忽视。我国2003年遭受“非典”疫情袭击为重视突发事件及舆论引导研究打开了大门。高校肩负人才培养、科学研究、服务社会、文化传承等历史职责,高校的安全稳定,大学生的成长成才,无时不受到政府、社会、家庭的高度关注。正是因为这种高校作为大量人群集中和文化社会群体的特殊性,并且随着当前高教大改革推进,高校开放性办学带来的人才引进、招生就业、学生管理、大学生人际交往障碍等诸多问题,很容易引发突发事件,并成为社会媒介炒作的题材和人们关注的焦点,处置不当必然将严重影响学校和社会的安全稳定。 本文在比较分析新形势下高校突发事件舆论引导的现状,揭示其自身特征和内在运行规律的基础上,吸收借鉴国内外高校舆情危机管理的经验、教训,分析现有高校突发事件舆论引导体制存在的问题及原因;梳理总结高校突发事件中的舆论引导成功经验;提出了高校突发事件舆论引导的预防和管理的积极建议,增强高校突发事件危机处理能力,提升实效性,致力探索构建高校突发事件舆论引导长效机制。具体来说,论文研究主要内容有:第一章介绍了本文的研究背景、研究目的和意义,国内外相关研究进展情况,以及论文的研究思路和方法。第二章是分析高校突发事件舆论引导的基本概念和理论。重点对高校的舆论引导概念进行了界定,并详尽阐述了高校舆论引导所处的时代环境和自身的特征。第三章是深入剖析了高校突发事件舆论引导意义、原则和存在问题。揭示新时期高校突发事件舆论引导必须遵循的基本原则;分析容易引发舆情危机的几类高校突发事件,以及舆论引导不当造成的不好影响及原因。第四章是全面分析了高校突发事件舆论引导的关键环节。阐述了高校突发事件中网络舆论的监督引导;强调要重视并促进舆论引导中社会媒体作用发挥;探索了高校突发事件中如何创新观念和管理模式,推动舆论引导效用发挥。第五章是探讨构建高校突发事件舆论引导的长效机制。揭示了建设高校突发事件舆论引导长效机制的必要性;阐述如何完善高校突发事件舆论引导保障机制;分析了如何健全标本兼治的舆论危机预警机制;探索了如何构建务实高效的高校突发事件舆论引导运行机制,从而更好地助推突发事件的有效解决。结束语中,分析了论文研究的不足,提出了在该研究领域深层次思考,为今后进一步研究指明了方向。
[Abstract]:With the deep development of human society, the serious destructive impact of sudden events has sounded the alarm for people. In the process of dealing with the sudden crisis, the role of strengthening the guidance of public opinion can not be ignored. In 2003, China suffered from "SARS". Epidemic attacks have opened the door for the study of emergencies and public opinion. Colleges and universities shoulder the responsibility of talent training. Scientific research, service to the society, cultural heritage and other historical responsibilities, the security and stability of colleges and universities, the growth of college students, always by the government, society. The family is highly concerned. It is precisely because this kind of university as a large number of people and cultural and social groups of particularity, and with the promotion of the current reform of higher education, colleges and universities open the introduction of talents, recruitment and employment. Student management, interpersonal barriers and other problems, it is easy to cause emergencies, and become the subject of social media speculation and the focus of attention. Improper handling will seriously affect the safety and stability of the school and society. On the basis of comparing and analyzing the current situation of public opinion guidance of university emergencies under the new situation, this paper reveals its own characteristics and internal running rules, and absorbs and draws lessons from the experience of crisis management of public opinion in colleges and universities at home and abroad. This paper analyzes the existing problems and causes of the public opinion guidance system in colleges and universities. Combing and summing up the successful experience of public opinion guidance in unexpected events in colleges and universities; This paper puts forward some positive suggestions on the prevention and management of emergency public opinion guidance in colleges and universities, so as to enhance the ability of emergency crisis management in colleges and universities, and to enhance the effectiveness. The main contents of this paper are as follows: the first chapter introduces the research background, purpose and significance of this paper, and the research progress at home and abroad. The second chapter is to analyze the basic concepts and theories of public opinion guidance in universities and colleges, with the emphasis on defining the concept of public opinion guidance in colleges and universities. And elaborated the university public opinion guidance in the time environment and the own characteristic. The third chapter is the thorough analysis university emergency public opinion guidance significance. Principles and existing problems. To reveal the basic principles that must be followed in the guidance of public opinion on unexpected events in colleges and universities in the new period; This paper analyzes several kinds of university emergencies which are easy to cause public opinion crisis. Chapter 4th is the key link of the analysis of the public opinion guidance in colleges and universities, and expounds the supervision and guidance of network public opinion in the unexpected events in colleges and universities. Emphasis should be placed on the importance and promotion of the role of social media in the guidance of public opinion; This paper explores how to innovate the concept and management mode in the unexpected events in colleges and universities. Chapter 5th is to explore the long-term mechanism of public opinion guidance in colleges and universities, and reveal the necessity of constructing the long-term mechanism of public opinion guidance in colleges and universities. This paper expounds how to perfect the mechanism of public opinion guidance and guarantee in colleges and universities. It analyzes how to perfect the early warning mechanism of public opinion crisis. This paper explores how to build a pragmatic and efficient public opinion guidance operation mechanism in colleges and universities, so as to better promote the effective solution of emergencies. In the concluding remarks, the paper analyzes the shortcomings of the research. The deep thinking in this research field is put forward, and the direction of further research is pointed out.


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