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发布时间:2018-01-07 23:15

  本文关键词:江西服装学院品牌建设研究 出处:《南昌大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 民办高校 江西服装学院 品牌建设

【摘要】:21世纪是品牌的世纪,教育自然也不能免俗。特别是在教育全球化的背景下,高校之间的竞争会变得越来越激烈,中国的民办高校作为一个特殊的学校组织,要想在激烈的市场中分得一杯羹,就必须整合自己的教育资源,提高学校的办学质量,提升学校的办学形象,培育自己的学校品牌。 本文正是基于这样的一种背景,提出江西服装学院进行品牌建设的意义,笔者通过市场调研,找出江西服装学院品牌建设的问题与不足,通过借鉴国内其他民办高校的特色,来提出江西服装学院品牌建设的思路与途径。 本文主要分为七个部分:第一部分为绪论,包括问题的研究背景及意义、研究内容及方法;第二部分:研究基础部分,主要是对品牌、高校品牌、民办高校品牌等相关概念以及国内外文献资料的阐述;第三部分是通过对江西服装学院概况的基本介绍,运用SWOT分析法,对江西服装学院进行优势、劣势、机会与威胁的分析;第四部分:运用调查问卷的形式对江西服装学院的学生进行了满意度的问卷调查,通过问卷调查发现江西服装学院存在的一些问题,然后借鉴国内其他民办高校的办学特色;第五部分:提出了江西服装学院品牌建设的思路。通过内在核心—强化品牌理念、进行合理定位来说明内在塑造的思路。通过引入CIS对江西服装学院品牌建设进行分析,说明了外在塑造的思路。第六部分:在思路的基础上,提出了江西服装学院可以通过健全理事会领导下的院长负责制、打造品牌教师、培育品牌专业、打造品牌学生、拓展就业深度、加强品牌推广来建设江西服装学院的品牌。最后是结论与展望。
[Abstract]:The twenty-first Century is the century of brand education, naturally no exception. Especially in education under the background of globalization, the competition between universities will become more and more fierce, Chinese private colleges as a special school, want to share in the fierce market share, we must integrate their own educational resources and improve the quality of Education, enhance the school image, cultivate their own brand of school.
This paper is a kind of based on this background, proposed the Jiangxi Institute of clothing brand building, through market research, find out the Jiangxi Institute of clothing brand construction problems and shortcomings, through other domestic private colleges characteristics, to put forward ideas and ways of brand building in Jiangxi Institute of clothing.
This paper is divided into seven parts: the first part is the introduction, including the research background and significance, research contents and methods; the second part: the research foundation part, mainly on the brand, university brand, brand of private colleges and other related concepts and literature at home and abroad in detail; the third part is the basic introduction of Jiangxi Institute of clothing, using the SWOT analysis method, the advantages of Jiangxi Institute of clothing, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis; the fourth part: students use the questionnaire in the form of Jiangxi Fashion Institute conducted a survey of satisfaction, through the questionnaire survey found that there are some problems in Jiangxi Institute of clothing, and other domestic private university characteristics; the fifth part puts forward the idea of brand building in Jiangxi Institute of clothing. By strengthening the brand concept inherent in the core, set reasonable To illustrate the intrinsic shape of thought. By introducing the CIS of brand building in Jiangxi Institute of clothing for analysis, that the external shape of thought. In the sixth part, based on the idea, put forward Jiangxi Institute of clothing can improve the president's Council under the leadership responsibility system, build the brand of teachers, cultivating professional brand, creating the brand of students to expand employment, depth, strengthen brand promotion to the construction of the Jiangxi Institute of clothing brand. The last part is the conclusion and prospect.



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1 胡丽娟;独立学院品牌建设探究[D];南昌大学;2016年

2 张继红;民办JXFZ学院核心竞争力提升研究[D];南昌大学;2015年

3 唐娣芬;A民办高校餐饮服务质量提升对策研究[D];西北农林科技大学;2014年




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