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发布时间:2018-01-08 08:08

  本文关键词:大学生社会实践的路径研究 出处:《东北林业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大学生社会实践 路径 研究

【摘要】:大学生社会实践是高校教育的有机组成部分,是大学生深入了解基层、深入发展群众、接受教育、施展增长才华和服务社会的重要途径,是新形势下开展大学生素质教育的客观需要。在改革开放深入、经济社会快速发展、全面建成小康社会步伐加快的今天,积极推进大学生社会实践的路经研究,是时代的诉求、社会发展的需要和高等教育发展的必然选择,是一项关乎经济建设、民族振兴的的战略任务,有着重大的理论、实践意义。本文采用文献分析、综合分析、理论研究和实践研究相结合等研究方法对大学生社会实践的路径进行了全面、系统的研究,以期为我国高校大学生社会实践的路径创新贡献一份绵薄之力。 本文从阐述大学生社会实践基本概念及问题概述入手,科学把握了实践、大学生社会实践的内涵,并立足于大学生社会实践的特征,详细论述了当前大学生社会实践的重要性,进而在掌握当前大学生社会实践路径建设取得的成就的基础上,全面阐释和剖析了大学生社会实践存在的问题及其原因,创新性地提出今后要从构建全方位大学生社会实践路径体系和大学生社会实践路径保障体系两个方面推动大学牛社会实践路径的建设的对策建议。
[Abstract]:College students' social practice is an organic part of college education. It is an important way for college students to understand the basic level, to develop the masses, to receive education, to develop their talents and to serve the society. It is an objective need to carry out quality education for college students under the new situation. With the deepening of reform and opening up, the rapid development of economy and society, and the acceleration of the pace of building a well-off society in an all-round way, we should actively promote the research on the path of college students' social practice. It is the demand of the times, the need of social development and the inevitable choice of the development of higher education. It is a strategic task related to economic construction and national rejuvenation, which has great theoretical and practical significance. Comprehensive analysis, the combination of theoretical and practical research and other research methods to the path of college students' social practice, a comprehensive and systematic study. In order to contribute a modest contribution to the path innovation of college students' social practice in our country. This paper begins with the introduction of the basic concepts and problems of college students' social practice, and scientifically grasps the connotation of practice and college students' social practice, and bases itself on the characteristics of college students' social practice. This paper discusses in detail the importance of the current college students' social practice, and then on the basis of mastering the achievements of the path construction of the current college students' social practice. This paper comprehensively explains and analyzes the problems existing in the social practice of college students and their causes. The countermeasures and suggestions to promote the construction of university cattle social practice path should be put forward from the following two aspects: the construction of all-round college students' social practice path system and the college students' social practice path guarantee system.


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