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发布时间:2018-01-08 23:18

  本文关键词:理工科大学文化教育效果评价研究 出处:《石家庄铁道大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 理工科大学 大学文化教育 文化教育效果 模糊综合评价

【摘要】:文化是民族的血脉,是人民的精神家园。当今世界,文化地位和作用更加凸显,越来越成为民族凝聚力和创造力的重要源泉、综合国力竞争的重要因素、经济社会发展的重要支撑。高等院校作为文化的前沿阵地,在繁荣发展与传承社会主义先进文化方面发挥着至关重要的作用。 作为人文基础较为薄弱的理工科高校,要想实现可持续发展,就必须树立与现实环境相适应的人才观念、创新观念、服务观念、市场观念等,并在此基础上培育发展全校师生的价值理念和校园精神文化,形成独具特色的大学文化。通过全面的大学文化教育提升理工科大学生的综合素质,进一步提升一个学校的办学质量,最终为文化的传承与繁荣发展作出应有的贡献。根据文化教育的根本目标,对大学文化教育实施全方位的系统与科学的衡量与评价是对文化教育效果的关键验证途径,在一定程度上对大学文化教育整体管理水平的提升、大学人综合文化素质能力的提高乃至大学的长期可持续发展与进步都具有关键性的引导与支持功效。 本文以理工科大学作为研究对象,对理工科大学文化教育效果评价进行深入探索与研究。文章介绍了文化、大学文化和大学文化教育的内涵、特征、功能以及它们之间的内在联系等理论基础;具体论述理工科大学文化教育的基本内容体系,包括文化教育效果评价的现状、主体、指导思想、目标构成及具体评价维度体系;设计出大学文化教育效果评价指标体系,选用模糊综合评价方法对某理工科院校文化教育效果实施综合评价。通过实证调研对评价指标体系的科学性与可行性进行验证,结合调查问卷结果对该校文化教育效果的综合评价结果进行详细分析,提出具有一定实用性与可操作性的文化教育效果提升对策。
[Abstract]:Culture is the blood of the nation and the spiritual home of the people. In today's world, the status and role of culture are becoming more and more prominent, becoming an important source of national cohesion and creativity, and an important factor in the competition of comprehensive national strength. As the front position of culture, colleges and universities play a vital role in the development of prosperity and inheritance of advanced socialist culture. In order to achieve sustainable development, universities of science and engineering, which have a weak humanistic foundation, must set up the concept of talent, innovation, service, market and so on, which are suitable for the real environment. And on this basis, cultivate and develop the value concept of teachers and students and campus spiritual culture, form a unique university culture, through comprehensive university culture education to enhance the comprehensive quality of science and engineering students. Further improve the quality of a school, ultimately for the cultural heritage and prosperity of the development of the due contribution. According to the basic goals of cultural education. It is the key way to verify the effect of culture and education to carry out a comprehensive system and scientific evaluation of university culture and education, to a certain extent, to improve the overall management level of university culture and education. The improvement of university people's comprehensive cultural quality and even the long-term sustainable development and progress of the university have the key function of guidance and support. This article takes the science and engineering university as the research object, carries on the thorough exploration and the research to the science and engineering university culture education effect evaluation. The article has introduced the culture, the university culture and the university culture education connotation, the characteristic. The theoretical basis of functions and their internal relations; Discusses the basic content system of cultural education in science and engineering universities, including the present situation, the main body, the guiding ideology, the target composition and the concrete evaluation dimension system of the cultural education effect evaluation; The evaluation index system of university culture and education effect is designed. The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is selected to evaluate the effect of culture and education in a science and engineering college. The scientific and feasibility of the evaluation index system is verified by empirical investigation. Combined with the results of the questionnaire, the comprehensive evaluation results of the cultural and educational effects of the school were analyzed in detail, and some practical and operable countermeasures were put forward to promote the cultural and educational effects.


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