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  本文关键词:高校学生质性学业评价研究 出处:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高校 学生学业评价 质性学业评价 建议

【摘要】:高校学生学业评价是高校教育教学工作的重要一环,对学生的学业进行有效、准确的评价是促进学生全面发展、促进教师改进教学、提高高等教育质量的重要保障。长期以来,以纸笔测验为主的量化评价一直是我国高校对学生学业情况进行评价的主要方式,虽然这种方式追求精确、可量化,强调评价结果的客观、公正,评价过程省时省力、易于操作,但忽视了评价对象的主体性,重结果、轻过程,在强调标准化的同时忽视了学生的个体差异。随着量化学业评价弊端的日益暴露以及教育评价理论的不断发展,与量化学业评价相对应的质性学业评价进入研究者视野,如何在学业评价中有效地运用质性评价的方法来解决传统学业评价中存在的弊端逐渐引起人们的关注。 质性学业评价是在自然情境下,采用观察、访谈、记录等方式,收集学生在学习过程中的各种表现材料,对学生的学业成效以及在真实学习情境中的状态、学习态度、情感价值观等各方面进行描述和分析,解释各种教育现象背后所蕴含的深层意义,对学生的学业情况做出尽可能完整全面评价的一种评价方法。在评价主体方面,质性学业评价主张多元主体参与,强调评价双方互动沟通;在评价过程方面,注重真实情景中的评价,强调评价的动态性,关注学业评价过程中的生成价值;在评价内容及标准方面,强调对学生智力和非智力因素等多方面的全面评价,突出学生个体差异,重视学生整体发展;在评价方法方面,强调描述、记录;在评价结果方面,重视评价结果的及时反馈,强调评价结果的反思性和改进性。表现性评价、档案袋评价、情境模拟、作品展示等是主要的质性学业评价方式。 国外高校中较早使用质性学业评价方法,其中美英两国较为典型。20世纪90年代以来,质性评价逐渐在美国高校学生学业评价中占据主导地位,美国高校更加注重在真实情境中评价学生,出现了档案袋评价、表现性评价、对具体技能的评价、真实性评价等质性评价方法。美国高校的学业评价更倾向于全程评价,评价内容覆盖范围广,评价主体多元化,评价方法方面并没有完全摒弃量化评价,而是采用量化评价与质性评价相结合。英国高校更为重视对学生综合素质的评价,强调过程性和形成性评价,将质性学业评价注重“生成价值”、强调以人为本的评价理念贯穿于学业评价的各个环节。国外高校的经验对于我国高校具有重要的启示意义:首先,学业评价应注重价值多元,强调沟通、协商;其次,应完善学业评价功能,注重评价内容的全面性;再次,应综合运用质性和量化学业评价方法。 为了进一步了解我国高校学生质性学业评价的实践情况,在理论梳理的同时,通过问卷和访谈的调查形式,对河北省部分高校的师生进行调查研究,了解我国高校质性学业评价的现状以及高校师生对于开展质性学业评价的态度、意向。调查显示,绝大多数师生赞同实施质性学业评价,描述性评语、情境模拟、成长记录袋、作品展示等多种质性评价方法在一些高校中得到运用;学生们倾向于多元主体参与评价,发挥自身的主体地位,希望参与评价后的交流反馈环节;在评价结果的运用上,学生们希望能突出评价的激励、改进功能。 在调查中还发现了我国高校质性学业评价在取得一定成效的同时也存在着一些问题,如对质性评价理念认识不清、加重了教师的工作量、评价过程可操作性较差、评价的信效度难以保证等。这些问题是由于质性学业评价理念与传统理念相冲突,对于质性学业评价的理论研究尚不完善、质性评价本身存在缺陷等原因造成的。 结合国外高校的实践经验以及我国高校师生的态度、意向,建议在实施质性学业评价时,首先要更新学生学业评价理念,转变传统的评价观念,树立人文主义、发展性、过程性等以促进学生全面发展为目的的学业评价理念;其次,加强质性学业评价理论的本土化研究,从多角度创建有利于质性学业评价开展的环境;再次,完善高校学生质性学业评价的运行机制,,包括建立多元质性学业评价模式、科学设计评价过程、规范高校质性学业评价的程序等方面;最后,完善高校学生质性学业评价的监督、保障机制,如建立相应的监督机构、改革现行的考试制度、完善外部保障机制等。
[Abstract]:College student academic assessment of college teaching is an important part of the work of the students effectively, accurate evaluation is to promote the all-round development of students, and promote teachers to improve their teaching, an important guarantee to improve the quality of higher education. For a long time, quantitative evaluation with pen and paper test has been the main way to evaluate the colleges and universities in China the student academic performance, although this pursuit of accurate, quantifiable, emphasize the evaluation results of the objective, impartial evaluation process, time-saving, easy to operate, but ignore the subjectivity of evaluation objects, heavy result, light process, while emphasizing standardization to ignore the individual differences of students. With the increasing of exposure assessment studies evaluation and development problems of education evaluation theory, evaluation and quantitative studies the corresponding evaluation qualitative studies by the researchers, how to effectively carry on the academic evaluation The use of qualitative evaluation methods to solve the shortcomings of the traditional academic evaluation has gradually aroused people's attention.
The quality of academic evaluation in the natural circumstance, by observation, interview records, etc., to collect various materials in the performance of students in the learning process, the students' academic achievement and status in the real learning environment, learning attitude, emotion and values and other aspects are described and analyzed, the deeper meaning behind the interpretation of all the phenomenon of education includes the academic situation for students to make a comprehensive evaluation method of evaluation as complete as possible. In the evaluation of the main ideas, academic evaluation of the quality of multi subject participation, emphasize the evaluation of mutual communication; in the process of evaluation, evaluation on the real situation, emphasizing the dynamic nature of the evaluation, focus on generating value in the process of academic evaluation; in the evaluation contents and standards, emphasizing the comprehensive evaluation on the aspects of students' intelligence and non intelligence factors, highlight the individual differences of students, pay attention to students in the whole The development of; in the evaluation method, emphasize the description of records; in the evaluation results, the importance of the evaluation results timely feedback, reflection and improvement on the evaluation result. Simulation of performance assessment, portfolio assessment, situation, works are of academic evaluation of the quality of the main way.
Qualitative assessment method used earlier in foreign universities, which is a typical.20 century between Britain and the United States since 90s, qualitative evaluation gradually occupy the dominant position in the academic evaluation of students in Colleges and universities in the United States, American universities pay more attention to the evaluation of students in the real situation, the portfolio assessment, performance assessment and evaluation of specific skills. The authenticity of the evaluation of qualitative evaluation methods. The academic evaluation of American colleges and universities tend to process evaluation, evaluation content covering a wide range of various evaluation subjects, evaluation methods and did not completely abandon the quantitative evaluation, but the quantitative evaluation and qualitative evaluation. British Universities pay more attention to the evaluation of students' comprehensive quality. Emphasizing the process and formative evaluation, will focus on the academic evaluation of the quality of "creating value", emphasizing people-oriented evaluation concept runs through every link in the academic evaluation. The experience has important implications for China's colleges and Universities: first, academic evaluation should focus on value pluralism, emphasis on communication, negotiation; secondly, we should perfect the academic evaluation function, comprehensive evaluation on the content; again, should use a combination of qualitative and quantitative evaluation method of chemical industry.
In order to further understand the practice of the evaluation of university student academic quality in our country, in theory at the same time, through the investigation of questionnaires and interviews, investigation and Research on the part of teachers and students in Colleges and universities in Hebei Province, to understand the students to carry out academic evaluation of the quality of the attitude, intention of the status quo of college academic evaluation of the quality of China's colleges and universities teachers survey shows that most teachers and students agree with the implementation of the quality of academic evaluation, descriptive reviews, situation simulation, growth record bag, a variety of qualitative evaluation methods are used in the works of some colleges and universities; students in evaluation to multi subject participation, play its dominant position, hope to participate in the evaluation after the exchange of feedback; in the use of evaluation results, the students hope to highlight the evaluation incentive, improved function.
In the survey also found that the academic evaluation of the quality of our country also exist some problems while making certain achievements, such as the recognition of qualitative evaluation concept is not clear, increase the workload of teachers, evaluation of poor operability, reliability and validity evaluation is difficult to ensure. These problems are due to conflicting qualitative studies evaluation of ideas and the traditional concept of the theoretical study of academic evaluation of the quality is not perfect, the quality evaluation itself has defects and other reasons.
Combined with the practical experience and the attitude of foreign universities, colleges and universities in China and suggestions in the implementation of the intention of academic evaluation of the quality, we must first update the student academic evaluation concept, change the traditional evaluation idea, establish humanism, development process, to promote the all-round development of students for academic evaluation goal; secondly, strengthen the the localization of academic evaluation of the quality of the theory, from the perspective of creating conducive to the development of academic evaluation of the quality of the environment; thirdly, perfect the mechanism of academic evaluation of the quality of college students, including the establishment of multiple academic evaluation of the quality of scientific evaluation model, design process, the academic evaluation of the quality of standardized procedures; finally, perfect supervision of academic evaluation of the quality of College Students' security mechanism, such as the establishment of corresponding supervision mechanism, reform the existing examination system, improve the external guarantee mechanism.



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