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  本文关键词:清代江西书院学规中的课程与教学思想研究 出处:《江西师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 清代 江西书院 学规 课程与教学思想

【摘要】:清代江西书院数量众多,影响极大,在书院史上有着独特的贡献。书院学规是书院各种规条的总称,这些规条里面蕴含了大量的课程与教学思想。本文拟从课程论、教学论以及考试学三个方面对书院学规中所体现的课程与教学内容、教学方法以及考课评价进行分析,发现有如下特点: 清代学规中所体现的课程与教学内容中,课程类型丰富多样,不仅有经史之学,还有诗赋之学、经世致用之学,甚至宣讲《圣谕广训》、研究字画;课程目标除全面应对科举之外,还有一定的实用价值,提倡经世致用,鼓励生徒学习治事之学;课程组织具有顺序性与连续性,除轮年遍习《五经》之外,读每本书如何计划学习都有详细规定;课程资源具有广普性,书院购置多种图书供生徒学习查阅,生徒可以根据自己的兴趣、特长在浩瀚的书籍中选择适合自己的书目。清朝末期对书院课程改革时增加西方课程的同时也保留了传统内容,从书院改制的进程可以看出,书院课程改革与其他教育改革相互推动。 书院学规中体现的教学方法多种多样,本文归纳出九种教学方法,,有“贯通经史,取精用宏”;“背诵如瓶泻水,资深而逢源”;“按节而趋,计候而进”;“各置一簿,日画一格”;“澄心烛理,思同思异”;“立论不谬圣人,路途不必尽同”;“聚精会神,息心静气”;“学问中取朋友,朋友中得学问”;“应试科举,贵在力行”。体现了书院重视自主学习、强调学习的计划性,教给学生相关学习策略,并让其综合运用人力资源的特点。但不可否认,书院教学一味强调求同思维,造成了整个清代学术沉闷,没有创新和发展,书院也因此失去了活力,最终退出了历史舞台。 最后,从考课的时间、类型、内容对书院考课进行整理,书院考课一般在每月“逢三”、“逢六”“逢八”时进行,有官课和师课,考试内容以四书文为主,兼顾其他。在考课组织方面,对于考试资格审查、考试纪律要求与考试交卷程序方面有严格的要求。评卷有严格的评卷标准,考试成绩良好者,不仅有物质奖励还有精神奖励。如若排名靠后,则将受到惩罚。由此我们可以看出书院考课具有形式单一性、科举导向性、激励作用以及组织严谨性等特点。
[Abstract]:Jiangxi Academy of Classics in Qing Dynasty has a large number of great influence and has a unique contribution in the history of the Academy. Academy rules is the general name of various rules of the Academy. These regulations contain a large number of curriculum and teaching ideas. This paper intends to study the curriculum and teaching contents embodied in the academy rules from three aspects: curriculum theory, teaching theory and examination theory. The teaching methods and the evaluation of the examination course are analyzed, and the following characteristics are found: In the curriculum and teaching contents embodied in the academic rules of the Qing Dynasty, the curriculum types are rich and diverse, not only in the study of history, but also in the study of poetry and Fu, in the study of practical use, and even in the teaching of "the Sanctuary and the wide training", and in the study of calligraphy and painting; Besides dealing with the imperial examination in an all-round way, the curriculum objective has certain practical value, which advocates the practice of the world and encourages the students to learn the school of governing the affairs. The course organization has the order and the continuity, in addition to turns the year to study "five classics", reads each book how to plan the study to have the detailed stipulation; The curriculum resources are extensive, the college buys a variety of books for students to study and consult, students can according to their own interests. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the western curriculum was added to the curriculum reform of the academy, and the traditional content was retained, which can be seen from the process of the reform of the college system. College curriculum reform and other educational reforms promote each other. There are a variety of teaching methods embodied in the academic rules of the Academy. Nine teaching methods are summarized in this paper, which are "through the history of the classics, taking the best use of macros"; "recitation is like a bottle of water, senior and meet the source"; "according to section and trend, plan and advance"; "place a book each, draw a box in a day"; "clear heart and candle, think of the same and think of differences"; "it is not necessary to make the same journey as a sage." "concentrate on the mind, rest the mind quiet Qi"; "take a friend from learning, learn from a friend"; "the examination-oriented imperial examination," which reflects the college attaches importance to autonomous learning, emphasizes the planning of learning, teach students relevant learning strategies, and let them make comprehensive use of human resources, but there is no denying the characteristics. Because of the academic dullness in the whole Qing Dynasty, the academy lost its vitality and finally withdrew from the stage of history. Finally, from the examination time, type, content to collate the college examination class, the college examination class generally in each month "every three", "every six" "every eight" time, there are official classes and teacher classes, the content of the examination is mainly four books. In the aspect of examination organization, there are strict requirements for examination qualification examination, examination discipline requirements and examination paper submission procedures. There are strict evaluation standards for examination papers and those with good test results. There are not only material rewards but also spiritual rewards. If ranked at the bottom, they will be punished. From this, we can see that the college examinations have the characteristics of form singularity, imperial examination guidance, incentive function and organizational rigour.


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