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  本文关键词:高校思想政治理论课话语不适问题研究 出处:《合肥工业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高校思想政治理论课 话语不适 话语场域

【摘要】:大学生作为社会一个独特群体,其群体成员有独特信念,思维,价值观和生活习惯。高校作为思想政治教育的主阵地,其中作为大学思想政治教育主要载体之一的话语,有其无可替代作用。随着社会的发展和时代的进步,思想政治教育环境发生重大变化,根据现阶段受众对象,结合国内外最新思想政治教育话语研究进展,欲初步探寻思想政治教育话语与时俱进的途径和有效方式,通过课堂话语增强思想政治教育的实效性和实践性,构建以主导方向为中心的“多元语境”的话语体系就显得尤为重要。 本文从分析了美国大学课堂教育现状入手:如教师灵活、个性、多样化的教学;博采众长,广纳雅言;引导与互动式的教法,创设学生合作交流机会和平台,注重能力的锻炼。结合国内的现状,从教师、学生、教材等层面分析国内思想政治教育课堂话语不适的原因,寻求消除课堂话语不适的途径,并从加强教育主题间对话、激活教育主题间的主体意识,回归生活世界等方面做了试探性的论述。进一步从教材话语的转化,课堂话语场域的重构,课堂话语权机制的回归进行了探讨和丰富。这种话语场域的建立,以平等富有深情的对话式的教学为依托,,摆脱预先设定的控制性话语套路和苍白的表达。在教育主体间消除了内心的顾虑、思想的隔阂、年代的代沟、话语的障碍,达到自然、放松、深入沟通交流的目的,更能从现实出发解决生活的实际问题,逐步实现成效。 为了更好的达到思想政治教育教书育人的目的,本文又在话语内涵丰富上和话语社会实践上进行了一定的扩展,加强了话语来源的的丰富和摄取,从当今流行的网络话语中汲取。纵观历史、沉淀精华,横看世界(国内外哲学社会科学及其他学科的理论)、吸收借鉴,结合时代、创新丰富,既保证思想政治教育学科话语不被屏蔽,又取长补短、与时创新;为思想政治教育摆脱困境,同时在高等院校思想政治教育活动中体现思想政治教育的社会功用及和谐的人文关怀,努力营造一个现实性、引导性的“道德氛围”。
[Abstract]:College students as a special group in society, its members have unique thinking, beliefs, values and life habits. Colleges and universities as the main position of Ideological and political education, which is one of the main carrier of Ideological and political education of the University discourse, has its irreplaceable effect. With the social development and progress of the times, the ideological and political education environment major changes, according to the audience, in combination with the latest domestic and international discourse of Ideological and political education research, to initially explore the way and effective way of discourse of Ideological and political education of the times, enhance the effectiveness of Ideological and political education and practice through classroom discourse, to construct the dominant direction as the center of the "multi context" discourse system it is particularly important.
This article from the analysis of the current situation of American college classroom education: teachers personality, flexible and diversified teaching; we played; guide and learn widely from others'strong points, interactive teaching methods, students create cooperation opportunities and platforms, focusing on the ability of exercise. Combined with the domestic situation, from the teachers, students, teaching materials and other aspects of analysis of the causes of domestic classroom thinking political education discourse discomfort, seek ways to eliminate the discomfort of classroom discourse, and strengthen dialogue from the theme of education, the main theme of education between the activation of consciousness, return to life world has done a tentative discussion. Further transformation from the textbook discourse, reconstruction of classroom discourse field, return to the classroom discourse mechanism has carried on the discussion and the rich. The establishment of such a discourse field, based on equality and affectionate dialogue based teaching, get rid of the preset control words set road and white table In the main body of education, we have eliminated the inner concerns, the estrangement of thoughts, the generation gap of the era and the obstacles of discourse, so as to achieve the goal of natural relaxation, in-depth communication and communication.
In order to better achieve the ideological and political education teaching objective, this paper makes some extensions in the discourse and discourse on the rich connotation of social practice, strengthen the rich sources of discourse and uptake, learn from the network popular discourse. Throughout history, precipitation of essence, the view of the world (Philosophy and Social Sciences at home and abroad and other disciplines theory), absorbing, combined with the times, innovation is rich, not only guarantee the discourse of Ideological and political education discipline is not blocked, and learn from each other, and innovation; ideological and political education to get rid of the predicament, but also the social function of Ideological and political education and harmonious humanistic care in Ideological and political education in Colleges and universities, to create a reality, leading the "moral atmosphere".



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