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发布时间:2018-01-12 06:14

  本文关键词:S大学市内校区资源综合利用研究 出处:《西南财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大学校区 改造 规划设计 战略 实施

【摘要】:S大学是教育部直属的全国重点大学,也是国家首批“211工程”重点建设大学。经历了多年发展,目前S大学主要有新老两个校区:市内校区和郊区校区。其中,市内校区是学校的老校区,郊区校区是新校区。 从2009年以来,本科生、普通研究生逐步由市内校区转移到郊外校区。S大学主校区移到郊外校区,意味着现有的市内校区的资源将出现较大闲置。现在学校基本确定留学生、专业学位教育、成人教育留在市内校区。但是资源能否充分利用,剩余资源如何有效使用,市内校区的文化如何传承都将是我们面临的问题。 由于市内校区多期分批建成,缺少统一连续的规划,建设过程中由于高等院校扩招的压力,建设处于一种应急状态,因此有必要重新审视我们的规划和建设过程,并作合理调整。此次主校区搬迁是一次重新规划、整理和综合利用市内校区资源的历史性机会。 笔者调研查询了中外众多名校校区建设经验,提炼世界名校的校园基因,得出中外众多名校的校园建设共性,形成了理论依据和参考,再结合本校的实际情况,现场踏勘、分析、整理出了许多存在的问题:在当前的新形势下,其规划设计、道路交通、资源配置等都已经落后于时代,校区管理目前最主要的是校区无显性建筑文化和底蕴、现有资源闲置浪费、潜在资源未能得到开发等问题。 然后,笔者通过访谈优秀校友、校区管理人员、学校教师、在读学生,通过PEST、SWOT进行内部外部分析,通过分类进行校区客户分析,再结合学校现状优势和特点,以地产经营的视角,房地产经营、规划设计、财务管理的相关理论为指导,根据阅读的资料和收集的信息,站在运营的角度,结合自身工作实践,对S大学市内校区的进行了更为深入的提炼、分析和研究。 本文给出了改造原则,提出了建立“传承百年的西部商学殿堂”的宏伟战略目标。最后,将战略目标分解、细化,并提出了解决办法和实施方案。给出了改造实施计划图和流程图。 但是,由于在我国,大学校区的改造是一个新兴的但是又不得不面临的课题。所以,S大学校区改造也存在土地和规划性质不明、资金缺口较大、管理团队缺乏等一系列问题尚待解决、落实。 总之,新校区改造是一个复杂、漫长但是却是有挑战性的过程。本文只是起一个抛钻引玉的作用,供校区管理者参考。
[Abstract]:S University is the national key university directly under the Ministry of Education, is also the first batch of "211 Project" key construction universities. It has experienced many years of development. At present, there are mainly two new and old campuses in S University: the urban campus and the suburban campus, among which, the urban campus is the old campus and the suburban campus is the new campus. Since 2009, undergraduate students and ordinary graduate students have been gradually transferred from the urban campus to the suburban campus. The main campus of S University has been transferred to the suburban campus. This means that the existing resources of the city campus will be larger idle. Now the school basically determines the foreign students, professional degree education, adult education in the city campus. But whether the resources can be fully utilized. How to use the surplus resources effectively and how to inherit the culture of the city campus will be the problem we face. Due to the multi-period batch construction of the urban campus, the lack of unified and continuous planning, the construction process is in a state of emergency due to the pressure of enrollment expansion in colleges and universities. Therefore, it is necessary to re-examine our planning and construction process and make reasonable adjustments. The relocation of the main campus is a historic opportunity for replanning, sorting out and synthetically utilizing the resources of the city's campus. The author investigated and inquired the construction experience of many famous schools in China and abroad, abstracted the campus genes of the world famous schools, got the common character of campus construction of many famous schools at home and abroad, and formed the theoretical basis and reference. Combined with the actual situation of the school, site survey, analysis, sorting out many existing problems: in the current new situation, its planning and design, road traffic, resource allocation and so on have fallen behind the times. At present, the main problems of campus management are that the campus has no dominant architectural culture and information, the existing resources are idle and wasted, and the potential resources have not been exploited. Then, the author interviews excellent alumni, campus administrators, school teachers, reading students, through pester SWOT to carry out internal and external analysis, through the classification of the campus customer analysis. Combined with the current advantages and characteristics of the school, real estate management perspective, real estate management, planning and design, financial management theory for guidance, according to the reading materials and information collected, standing in the operational perspective. Combined with its own work practice, the paper makes a more in-depth refining, analysis and research on the inner campus of S University. In this paper, the reform principle is given, and the grand strategic goal of establishing "the western business school palace for a hundred years" is put forward. Finally, the strategic goal is broken down and refined. At the same time, the solution and implementation scheme are put forward, and the plan diagram and flow chart are given. However, in our country, the transformation of university campus is a new but also have to face the subject, so there is also a land and planning of the reform of the university campus is unclear, the funding gap is large. A series of problems, such as lack of management team, need to be solved and implemented. In short, the reconstruction of the new campus is a complex, long but challenging process.


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