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发布时间:2018-01-13 06:23

  本文关键词:澳洲国立大学本科课程设置及管理特点研究 出处:《湖南师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 澳洲国立大学 课程设置 课程管理

【摘要】:当前,在我国高校致力于全而加强学科的建设,重视本科课程改革的大背景下,如何提高办学质量,发展和建设好本科课程,把大学发展成为知名的甚至是一流的大学成为了许多的高校所追求的重点。在国家高等教育政策的支持下,高校的学科建设和课程改革在稳步前进中发展,但是相比较于许多知名的世界一流大学,我国高校在学科建设和课程设置与管理方面还存在不少差距。如何进一步缩小差距,加强学术建设,除了要求高校的教师队伍有着高水平之外更重要的是大学还要有着优质合理的课程设置结构和管理模式,因此,合理的课程设置结构和高效的课程管理方式是成为一流大学的关键所在。 澳洲国立大学作为澳洲综合实力排名第一的世界一流大学,在南半球有着重要的学术地位。同时作为澳大利亚唯一享有“国立”资格的著名学府,澳洲国立大学在办学特色、课程体系以及教育管理方面都有着许多可供借鉴的优秀经验。随着如今国内留澳教育比例的不断攀升,澳洲高校的本科教育课程也成为了研究者们研究的一大重点,本文主要通过查阅和整理澳洲国立大学官方网站上的文献资料,对其本科课程设置和管理的概况进行了体系全面的分析研究,总结其特点,同时对比当前中国高校在本科教育方面的现状,提出可借鉴的参考。 本文从五个部分展开,第一部分是绪论主要论述了本研究的意义以及现有研究述评;第二部分主要介绍澳洲国立大学的概况;第三部分是关于澳洲国立大学本科课程设置特点的研究;第四部分是关于澳洲国立大学本科课程实施特点的研究;最后一部分是澳洲国立大学本科课程管理特点的研究。
[Abstract]:At present, in our country university is committed to strengthening the construction of the discipline, pay attention to the undergraduate curriculum reform under the background, how to improve the quality of education, good undergraduate curriculum development and construction, the development of university has become well-known and even the first-class university has become the focus of many colleges and Universities to pursue higher education. In the national policy support under the university discipline construction and curriculum reform and development in the steady progress, but compared to many well-known world-class universities, colleges and universities in China there are still many gaps in the setting and management of discipline construction and curriculum. How to further narrow the gap, to strengthen the academic building, in addition to the requirements of college teachers have a high level of more than it is important to have a university structure and management mode, set up reasonable curriculum quality therefore, reasonable curriculum structure and efficient curriculum management is to become a first-class large The key to learning.
The world first-class university Australian National University as Australia ranked first overall strength, has an important academic position in the southern hemisphere. At the same time as the famous universities of Australia only enjoy the national qualification, Australian National University in the school characteristics, curriculum system and educational management has many excellent experience for reference. With the domestic education proportion of Australia the rising of Australian universities undergraduate education curriculum has also become a major focus of researchers, this paper mainly through the inspection and sorting of Australian National University on the official website of the literature of the undergraduate curriculum setting and management system of comprehensive analysis, summarizes its characteristics, and the comparison of current situation in undergraduate education the China University, put forward the reference.
This article started from the five parts, the first part is the introduction mainly discusses the significance of the study and the research review; the second part mainly introduces the general situation of Australian National University; the third part is the research about the feature set of the Australian National University undergraduate courses; the fourth part is the research on the characteristics of the implementation of the undergraduate courses of the Australian National University; the last part is the research on the characteristics of undergraduate curriculum management Australian National University.



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6 周秀梅;美国高等教育培养目标下的课程设置之研究[D];湖南师范大学;2007年

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8 陈依依;印度理工学院办学特点研究[D];湖南师范大学;2009年

9 严薇;澳大利亚教育管理研究的文献分析[D];湖南师范大学;2010年




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