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发布时间:2018-01-13 07:14

  本文关键词:加强和改进高校学生干部思想政治教育研究 出处:《中北大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高校 大学生 学生干部 思想政治教育

【摘要】:高校学生干部是大学生群体中的先进分子,是联系学校和学生、老师和学生之间的桥梁和纽带,是高校各项学生工作开展的有利助手,在高校思想政治教育中发挥着不可替代的重要作用。他们是高校进行思想政治教育的重要力量,其一言一行都对广大学生具有带动和示范作用,在一定程度上影响着大学生的思想政治教育的效果。因此,,加强哈改进高校学生干部思想政治教育就具有了重要的理论意义和现实意义。我们应该实事求是、与时俱进,从高校学生干部的现实情况出发,切实采取措施,有针对性的加强和改进高校学生干部的思想政治教育,使他们成为具有坚定政治信仰、高尚道德情操和健康心理素质于一身的优秀人才。 本篇论文分成五个部分,绪论主要介绍了研究目的和意义、国内外研究综述,以及研究的思路和方法;第二章是从“高校学生干部”以及“思想政治教育”的概念内涵阐述为切入点,提出了高校学生干部思想政治教育的概念内涵,为论文的展开和书写做了理论基础和知识借鉴;第三章是现状研究,这一部分主要从调查问卷、取得的成绩以及存在的问题三个方面来进行研究,指出当前高校学生干部思想政治教育现状是成绩与问题并存,并且成绩大于问题;第四章紧接上文提出的问题进行,对于当前高校学生干部思想政治教育出现的问题依次从社会、高校、家庭和学生干部自身四个角度,进行了多维度、全方位、深入的分析;第五章是文章的重中之重,根据前文的分析,再结合工作的实际,对加强和改进高校学生干部思想政治教育做了对策思考,提出了高校学生干部加强思想政治教育的举措和措施。
[Abstract]:College student cadres are college students in the advanced elements, is to contact the school and students, the bridge and the link between teachers and students, is helpful to carry out the work of university students, plays an irreplaceable role in the ideological and political education in universities. They are an important force in the ideological and Political Education in Colleges and universities, the every word and action is a leading and exemplary role of the students, to a certain extent affect the ideological and political education effect. Therefore, strengthen the improvement of Kazakhstan university student cadres ideological and political education has important theoretical and practical significance. We should seek truth from facts, keep pace with the times, from the reality of college student cadres, to take measures to strengthen and improve the ideological and political education of college student cadres, so that they become a strong political belief, noble moral Good talent and healthy psychological quality in one body.
This thesis is divided into five parts, the introduction mainly introduces the research purpose and significance, the domestic and foreign research review, and research ideas and methods; the second chapter is from the "of college student cadres" and "Ideological and political education" concept as the starting point, the author puts forward the connotation of College student cadres of the ideological and political education. The theoretical basis and reference for the expansion of knowledge and writing of the paper; the third chapter is the status of research, this part mainly from the questionnaire, the three aspects of achievements and problems to study, pointed out that the current situation of Ideological and political education of high school student cadre is the coexistence of achievements and problems, and scores greater than fourth; chapter above questions, for the current college students' Ideological and political education of cadres problems are from society, college, family and student cadres four The angle, by multi dimension, comprehensive, in-depth analysis; the fifth chapter is the priority among priorities of the article, according to the above analysis, combined with the actual work, the countermeasures to strengthen and improve university students' Ideological and political education of cadres, cadres of college students put forward measures to strengthen the measures of ideological and political education.



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