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发布时间:2018-01-13 21:34

  本文关键词:高校研究生思想政治教育的特殊性及应对研究 出处:《武汉理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 研究生 思想政治教育 特殊性 对策

【摘要】:研究生是民族的希望与未来,影响着国家综合实力的竞争,培养德才兼备的高素质人才是研究生教育的目标。思想政治教育作为研究生教育的重要部分,对高层次人才的培养有着至关重要的作用,改进并加强研究生思想政治教育是深入推进落实科学发展观、维护校园和谐稳定的重要举措。但是,当前研究生的思想政治教育形势不容乐观,研究生思想道德素质有待进一步提升,拟定高校研究生思想政治教育的特殊性及应对研究为题,以教育对象的特殊性为切入点,分析研究生与本科生在思想政治教育的具体差异性,旨在探索一条符合研究生特征与全面发展的思想政治教育路子。 本篇文章在绪论里面交代了选题背景、选题目的及意义、选题研究的现状、论文思路及可能的创新点,除绪论部分之外,主体内容包括以下几个方面: 第一部分:提出研究生思想政治教育特殊性的现实意义。对本文所提出的“特殊性”一词作了说明,从我国研究生培养目标、研究生全面发展和增强研究生思想政治教育的实效性三个层次展开论述,有利于明确选题的必要性。 第二部分:研究生思想政治教育特殊性的具体体现。主要从教育对象、教育目标、教育内容、教育方式、教育教学过程五个方面进行分析,是文章进行论述的前提和基础,其中,对教育对象的分析是本章的重点。 第三部分:研究生思想政治教育的现状分析。这部分简单介绍了目前研究生思想政治教育所取得一些成就,重点分析了当前所存在的两大突出问题,即研究生思想政治教育的针对性与实效性不强。 第四部分:引发研究生思想政治教育问题的原因分析。从高校目前的思想政治教育体制、教育内容、政工队伍、导师育人作用和研究生主体地位五个方面进行深刻思考。 第五部分:增强研究生思想政治教育的重要措施。这一部分紧密结合了前面几章的内容分析,从健全研究生思想政治教育体制、科学设计教育内容、政工队伍建设、发挥导师育人作用和增强研究生主体地位五个方面提出了相应的措施,有利于增强研究生思想政治教育的效果,有利于研究生群体的全面发展。
[Abstract]:Graduate students are the future and hope of our nation, affects the competition of comprehensive national strength, is to cultivate high-quality talents have both ability and political integrity of postgraduate education. The ideological and political education as an important part of graduate education, have a vital role to cultivate high level talents, improving and strengthening the ideological and political education of graduate students is to further promote the implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development, an important measure to maintain harmonious and stable campus. However, the current graduate ideological and political education can not be optimistic about the situation of students ideological and moral quality to be further improved, the title to particularity and deal with the study of the ideological and political education of graduate students, the special object of education as the starting point, analysis of graduates and undergraduates in concrete the differences of the ideological and political education, to explore a graduate student characteristics and comprehensive development of the ideological and political education way.
This article introduces the background of the topic selection, the purpose and significance of the topic, the current situation of the topic selection, the train of thought and possible innovation. Besides the introduction part, the main contents include the following aspects.
The first part: put forward the practical significance of the ideological and political education particularity. The paper "special" one word is explained, the training goal of postgraduates from our study, graduate students all-round development and enhance the ideological and political education of graduate students and the effectiveness of the three levels of the need to clear the topic.
The second part: the concrete embodiment of the particularity of the postgraduate 'Ideological and political education. Mainly from the education object, education goal, education content, education method, the five aspects of teaching process analysis is the premise and the foundation, this article discusses the analysis of the object of education is the focus of this chapter.
The third part: the analysis of the current situation of the ideological and political education. This part briefly introduces the current ideological and political education of graduate students has made some achievements, focuses on the analysis of the existing two major problems, namely, the ideological and political education pertinence and effectiveness is not strong.
The fourth part is the analysis of the causes of the problem of Ideological and political education for postgraduates. It carries out deep thinking from five aspects: the current ideological and political education system in Colleges and universities, the content of education, the team of political workers, the role of tutors and the status of postgraduates.
The fifth part: strengthening measures of graduate ideological and political education. This part combines the analysis of the previous chapters, from the perfect graduate education system of Ideological and political education content, scientific design, team construction of political work, play a role in teaching and educating teachers and enhance the corresponding measures are put forward in five aspects of subject status, to enhance the effect of Ideological and political education of graduate students, conducive to the all-round development of graduate students.



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