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发布时间:2018-01-14 19:28

  本文关键词:香港科技大学崛起要素解析及启示 出处:《曲阜师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 一流大学 办学定位 管理模式 合作模式

【摘要】:香港科技大学凭其“小而精”的办学理念在短短二十年间便声名显赫,在亚洲大学排行榜稳居第一,而我国内陆高校如北京大学以及清华大学却远在十名之后,因其实力雄厚且名扬海内外,更是内地高考状元争相高就的地方。在当今高校追求综合化和规模化的潮流中他却逆流之上,以小而精和专业化取胜,把那些固步自封和盲目攀比的高校远远甩在了后面,令大陆许多百年高校望尘莫及。这其中之缘由不得不引人深思,鉴于我国高校在建设世界一流大学的道路上荆棘重重,我们更应该静思其因,向前行者效仿学习。 文中深入浅出全方位解析了香港科技大学,包括其建校背景、“小而精”的办学理念、崇尚自由民主的师生管理模式以及开放多元的对外合作模式等特色,突出其迅速崛起的制胜点。本研究综合利用了个案研究法、文献搜集法、系统分析法等研究方法,在充分收集分析香港科技大学的崛起背景历程素材的基础上,系统的分析了影响其发展的要素,并归纳出一流大学在办学定位、师资管理、交流合作方面的发展特色。本研究在微观与宏观之间全面解析香港科技大学崛起之由,为高校的发展注入源源不断的活水。 研究的启示部分也是文中的升华,在全面剖析香港科技大学之余,应该深刻审视中国内陆高校在建设一流大学路中的挫折,择香港科技大学之善而从之,学习并防微杜渐。本研究系统总结了可供内陆高校借鉴的发展方式,用以改善当前高校现状。研究结果提出从学校和政府两大层面的革新:在学校定位层面,汲取港科大“小而精”的办学理念,充分挖掘高校办学特色,变综合化为专业化,因地制宜发挥自己的优势;管理层面需要学习西式民主激励的师生管理模式,也即我们今天所讲的“人本主义”,让师生自由充分的发展;政府层面是不可缺少的外力,政府需要平衡宏观调控和微观协助,取舍之间还大学民主自由的发展。
[Abstract]:The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), with its "small and fine" school philosophy, has been famous in just 20 years and has consistently topped the list of Asian universities, while China's inland universities, such as Peking University and Tsinghua University, are well behind ten. Because of its strength and fame at home and abroad, but also the top students in the inland college entrance examination on the high spot. In the current trend of colleges and universities in the pursuit of integration and scale, but he countercurrent, with small and fine and professional victory. The fact that those self-contained and blindly compared universities have been left behind has left many universities in mainland China out of reach. The reasons for this have to be thought-provoking. In view of the difficulties on the way of constructing the world-class universities in our country, we should meditate on the causes and follow the example of the former. This paper analyzes the characteristics of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), including its background, its "small and fine" concept of running a school, the liberal and democratic teacher-student management model and the open and diversified mode of foreign cooperation. This research makes comprehensive use of case study method, literature collection method, system analysis method and so on, on the basis of fully collecting and analyzing the background materials of the rise of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Systematic analysis of the factors affecting its development, and summed up the first-class universities in the school positioning, teacher management. This study comprehensively analyzes the reasons for the rise of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) between the micro and macro aspects and injects a continuous stream of living water into the development of the University of Science and Technology (HKUST). The enlightening part of the research is also the sublimation of this paper. Besides analyzing Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in an all-round way, we should deeply examine the setbacks of China's inland universities in the construction of first-class universities, and choose the good of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. This study summarizes the development methods for inland colleges and universities to improve the current situation of colleges and universities. The results of the study proposed from the school and the government two levels of innovation: school positioning level. Draw on HKUST's "small but fine" idea of running a school, fully excavate the characteristics of running a university, change integration into specialization, and give full play to its own advantages according to local conditions; At the management level, we need to learn the western style of democratic incentive of teacher-student management model, that is, we call "humanism" today, so that teachers and students can develop freely and fully; The government level is an indispensable external force. The government needs to balance macro-control and micro-assistance and the development of democracy and freedom in universities.


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