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发布时间:2018-01-16 03:05

  本文关键词:高校辅导员专业化进程中的职业伦理研究 出处:《合肥工业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高校辅导员 职业伦理 专业化

[Abstract]:This article from the perspective of professional college counselors, to study college counselors occupation ethics. The construction of college counselors team to achieve their professional, not only need to strengthen the occupation development of this occupation, occupation direction and theory construction, but also the need to strengthen the ethical norms of the occupation and guidance of college counselors. The occupation ethics construction is an important content of College Counselors' professional ethics construction. Through the occupation of college counselors, further enrich and improve college counselors' professional construction, expansion of College Counselors' professional construction theory research field, promote the College Counselors' professional construction process. The content of this paper consists of six parts, the first chapter is the introduction the origin of the problem, research status including research background and significance, the basic ideas and research methods. The second chapter is the basic concept of community Set, including the College Counselors' professional development history, professional connotation, occupation ethics, college counselors occupation ethics. The third chapter is from the perspective of the relationship between professional college counselors and college counselors occupation ethics, expounds the relationship between the two. The fourth chapter is the reality from the perspective of professional college counselors in the process of starting. A detailed description of the four puzzles of college counselors encounter in reality. The fifth chapter is on the basis of the fourth chapter, a detailed analysis of causes of the dilemma. Finally, on the basis of the study, put forward four ways of construction of college counselors occupation ethics.



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