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发布时间:2018-01-17 15:11

  本文关键词:影响独立学院校园安全稳定的因素分析及对策研究 出处:《天津大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 独立学院 校园 安全稳定

【摘要】:现代社会,普通高校大学生在校期间的安全状况是社会长期关注的焦点,独立学院大学生与普通高校大学生相比,整体素质有所差距,在办学模式上独立学院也有所区别于普通高校,所以独立学院大学生的安全稳定状况更加需要关注与重视。对影响独立学院校园安全稳定的因素分析和对策研究就显得尤为重要。 本文首先说明了独立学院的办学特点、独立学院中安全稳定的重要性以及独立学院安全稳定的现状;其次,作者通过对独立学院有关学生工作的学工部门、保卫部门的走访调研分析,结合作者在独立学院安保工作战线上数年实践经验的积累,对影响独立学院校园安全稳定的因素进行了一一列举,并针对这些因素的各自特点、特征进行了多角度多层次的剖析和分析,详细阐述了每个因素产生的原因,影响独立学院发展的状况,以及相关的典型事件;再次,针对调研结果的普遍性,作者通过学生填写的调查问卷进行了印证;再次,列举了两个影响独立学院校园安全稳定因素的真实典型案例,一个是由社会变革、社会矛盾因素造成,一个是由传销危害因素造成,详细说明了两个案例发生的起因、处理的过程以及最后的事件结果,并针对独立学院的办学特点,对典型案例进行宏观至微观多方面详细的分析;最后,作者提出了三个合理化建议,第一要树立坚持以人为本的安全稳定理念,,第二要加强完善独立学院安全稳定工作体系以及多方联动运行机制,第三要以排除影响独立学院安全稳定的重点问题为起点,这三个合理化建议能够在一定程度上有助于独立学院更好的进行安全稳定工作,帮助独立学院持续高效的做好安全稳定工作,确保独立学院的长治久安。
[Abstract]:In modern society, the safety situation of college students is the focus of long-term social concern, independent college students and ordinary college students, the overall quality of the gap. In the mode of running a school, independent colleges are also different from ordinary colleges and universities. Therefore, the security and stability of independent college students need more attention and attention. It is particularly important to analyze the factors that affect the security and stability of independent college campus and to study the countermeasures. This paper first explains the characteristics of independent colleges, the importance of security and stability in independent colleges and the current situation of security and stability of independent colleges. Secondly, the author through the independent college on the student work of the student work department, the security department of the visit investigation and analysis, combined with the author in the independent college on the security work front several years of practical experience accumulation. This paper enumerates the factors that affect the safety and stability of the independent college campus, and analyzes the characteristics of these factors from different angles and levels, and explains the causes of each factor in detail. The situation that affects the development of independent college, and related typical events; Thirdly, in view of the universality of the survey results, the author verifies them through the questionnaire filled out by the students. Thirdly, it enumerates two real typical cases that affect the safety and stability of independent college campus, one is caused by social change, social contradictions, and the other is caused by pyramid marketing harm factors. The causes of the two cases, the process of handling and the final event results are explained in detail, and the typical cases are analyzed in detail from macro to micro aspects according to the characteristics of the independent college. Finally, the author puts forward three reasonable suggestions: first, to establish the people-oriented concept of security and stability; second, to strengthen and improve the independent college security and stability work system and multi-operation mechanism. Third, to eliminate the impact on the security and stability of the Independent College as a starting point, these three rationalization proposals can help the Independent College to a certain extent better security and stability work. Help the independent college to do the safe and stable work effectively and continuously, ensure the long-term stability of the independent college.


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