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发布时间:2018-01-18 06:07

  本文关键词:大学生权利实现问题研究 出处:《西南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大学生权利 实现 文化价值取向 管理模式 法律关系

【摘要】:社会主义法治化进程加快,教育体制改革深入发展,和谐校园建设的呼声日益高涨,这使大学生权利的受关注程度上升到了新的高度。在高等学校中,突发事件和危机事件的发生影响了正常的教育教学秩序和校园的和谐安定。这些事件的发起者、肇事者很多都是在校大学生,事件的源起与他们的权利得不到充分实现密切相关。因此,大学生权利实现的充分与否关乎和谐校园建设的成败。保障大学生权利的充分实现是和谐校园建设的应然之举,也是顺应时代发展潮流的必要举措。 从法理学来讲,权利主体所享有的权利与其身份紧密相关,伴随主体的身份而产生。大学生作为一个特殊的社会群体,是多重社会角色和社会关系的集合体,本文探究的大学生权利仅限于其基于受教育者身份特征而享有的身份权。大学生权利的充分实现利于增强大学生的身份认同感,利于激发其积极性和创造性。本研究大致包括以下几部分: 第一部分主要对大学生权利进行概述。以现行的法律法规文本为依据,呈现大学生所享有的法定权利,包括实体性权利和程序性权利;进而对大学生权利实现的必要性进行论证,从大学生权利的渊源、权利与义务的关系、高校与大学生关系的变化、大学生权利实现的价值着手展开。 第二部分,阐述当前大学生权利实现的现状。认为大学生权利实现取得了重要的进展,教育法律法规体系逐步建立,高等学校管理方式转变,大学生权利意识普遍提高,权利行为趋于合理。但是,不可否认,大学生权利侵害现象屡见不鲜,大学生的受教育权、名誉权、参与管理权、申辩权等得不到有效落实。 第三部分,对当前大学生权利实现不充分的现状进行归因分析。认为传统文化中的人治思想是问题产生的文化土壤,高等教育法律法规体系不健全、高校管理行为不当、大学生权利意识和行为自身的局限是困扰大学生权利实现的症结所在。 第四部分,大学生权利实现的路径探析。权利文化重塑、健全法律法规体系、建立新型的高校与大学生的法律关系、权利教育是大学生权利充分实现的合理路径。
[Abstract]:The accelerated process of socialist rule of law, the in-depth development of the educational system reform, the building of a harmonious campus, which makes the degree of attention to the rights of college students rise to a new height. Unexpected events and crisis events affect the normal order of education and teaching and campus harmony and stability. The initiators of these incidents, many of the perpetrators are college students. The origin of the incident is closely related to the lack of full realization of their rights... The full realization of the rights of college students is related to the success or failure of the construction of harmonious campus. To ensure the full realization of the rights of college students is the necessary action of the construction of harmonious campus, and it is also a necessary measure to comply with the trend of development of the times. According to jurisprudence, the rights enjoyed by the subject are closely related to their identity and come into being with the identity of the subject. As a special social group, college students are a collection of multiple social roles and social relations. In this paper, the rights of college students are limited to their identity rights based on the identity characteristics of the educatees. The full realization of the rights of college students is conducive to enhance the identity of college students. This research includes the following parts: The first part mainly summarizes the rights of college students. Based on the current texts of laws and regulations, it presents the legal rights enjoyed by college students, including substantive rights and procedural rights. Then it demonstrates the necessity of realizing the rights of college students, starting from the origin of the rights of college students, the relationship between rights and obligations, the changes of the relations between colleges and universities and college students, and the value of realizing the rights of college students. The second part expounds the current status of the realization of the rights of college students. The author thinks that the realization of the rights of college students has made important progress, the system of educational laws and regulations has been gradually established, and the management mode of colleges and universities has been changed. College students' awareness of rights is generally improved, and the behavior of rights tends to be reasonable. However, it is undeniable that the phenomenon of university students' rights infringement is common, the right to education, reputation and participation in management of college students. The right of defense can not be effectively implemented. In the third part, the author analyzes the current situation that the university students' rights are not fully realized. The author thinks that the thought of "rule by man" in traditional culture is the cultural soil of the problem, and the system of laws and regulations of higher education is not perfect. The malpractice of university management, the limitation of college students' right consciousness and behavior are the crux of puzzling the realization of university students' rights. Part 4th, the way to realize the rights of college students, the right culture remodeling, the sound system of laws and regulations, the establishment of a new legal relationship between universities and college students. Right education is a reasonable way for college students to fully realize their rights.


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