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发布时间:2018-01-18 10:28

  本文关键词:价值澄清理论对我国高校思想政治教育的启示 出处:《黑龙江大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 价值澄清理论 思政政治教育 高校 启示

【摘要】:高校思想政治教育工作涉及到每一个大学生的健康成长、成才、成人,多元文化背景下,如何正确把握与探索我国高校思想政治教育工作的新路径与新方法,是当下高校思想政治教育工作急需解决的重大问题之一。价值澄清理论主张从人本主义出发,,尊重学生,采用轻松愉快的形式进行沟通而非进行强迫式的价值观传授,注重紧密联系现实生活,并帮助学生进行独立思考,重视道德内化,相信他们凭借自己的力量和能力来形成自己的思维。基于社会环境的相似性,解决问题的一致性,作用手段的共通性,针对当下高校思想政治教育工作中日趋多元化价值观碰撞与选择等诸多问题,这一理论具有较大的借鉴作用与意义。 全球化背景下,多元文化与信息一体化使大学生价值观发生激烈碰撞,一方面,消解和削弱了其对于社会主义本位价值观的认同感,陷于彷徨迷茫;另一方面,导致其道德虚无主义,频现道德滑坡,然而传统德育模式的说教与灌输很难解决现有价值观混乱问题,应积极借鉴价值澄清理论,确立学生的主体性地位,建立平等互信的师生关系,营造宽松民主教育氛围,实践中重视学生情感和行动的结合,植根于学生校园生活,关注学生道德生活,构建平等对话式、积极讨论式、活动互动式思想政治教育,从知、情、行三者的有机结合上去探讨个人价值观,引导当代大学生树立积极、健康、向上的价值观。
[Abstract]:Ideological and political education in colleges and universities involves the healthy growth of every college student, adult, multicultural background, how to correctly grasp and explore the new path and new methods of ideological and political education in colleges and universities in China. At present, ideological and political education in colleges and universities needs to be solved one of the major issues. Value clarification theory advocates from humanism, respect students. Use relaxed and pleasant form of communication rather than forced values teaching, pay attention to close contact with real life, and help students to think independently, attach importance to moral internalization. Believe that they rely on their own strength and ability to form their own thinking, based on the similarities of the social environment, the consistency of problem-solving, the common means of action. In view of the problems such as the collision and choice of values in the ideological and political education work of colleges and universities, this theory has great reference function and significance. Under the background of globalization, multiculturalism and information integration make the values of college students collide intensely. On the one hand, it dispels and weakens their sense of identity towards the socialist standard values and falls into a loss. On the other hand, it leads to moral nihilism and frequent moral decline, but the traditional moral education mode of preaching and indoctrination is very difficult to solve the existing value confusion, we should actively learn from the value clarification theory. Establish students' subjective status, establish equal and mutual trust between teachers and students, create a relaxed democratic education atmosphere, pay attention to the combination of students' emotion and action in practice, take root in the students' campus life, pay attention to the students' moral life. Build equal dialogue, active discussion, interactive ideological and political education, from the knowledge, feelings, conduct the organic combination of personal values to guide contemporary college students to establish a positive, healthy. Upward values.


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1 陈莉;;培养大学生价值选择能力——美国“价值澄清理论”的启示[J];高等工程教育研究;2006年02期

2 张彦;;价值澄清理论对我国高校思想政治教育的借鉴意义[J];金华职业技术学院学报;2009年04期

3 张典兵;;价值澄清理论与我国高校德育变革[J];中国矿业大学学报(社会科学版);2007年02期

4 蔡陈聪;启发式教学方法的哲学思考——以高校“两课”教学为例[J];社会科学辑刊;2002年05期

5 姚俊红;价值澄清教育流派述评[J];外国教育研究;2004年01期

6 曹清燕;价值澄清理论与大学生思想政治教育[J];重庆教育学院学报;2005年04期

7 陈喜林;;价值澄清理论对我国高校思想政治教育的启示[J];学术论坛;2006年12期

8 周瑜;关于价值澄清理论的几点思考[J];思想政治教育研究;2005年05期

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1 张春艳;价值澄清理论对大学生价值观教育的借鉴意义[D];哈尔滨工程大学;2010年

2 陈梅;价值澄清理论与社会转型期大学生价值观教育[D];南京航空航天大学;2010年

3 水淑燕;价值澄清理论对高校德育改革的启示和警示[D];南京师范大学;2004年

4 邓小娟;我国高校德育借鉴价值澄清理论的研究[D];首都师范大学;2008年




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