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发布时间:2018-01-18 14:09

  本文关键词:基于职业发展的高校辅导员职业能力建设研究 出处:《西北大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 辅导员 职业发展 职业能力建设

[Abstract]:The concept of professional ability of college counselors is brought forward with the development of ideological and political work of college students in our country. Nowadays, the work of college counselors is not limited to the category of ideological and political education, management. The duty of service begins to occupy the leading position, "education" has also been endowed with new connotation, the counsellor becomes the "guide and guide" of the university students' overall and healthy growth in the 21st century. The rapid development of knowledge economy has led to the further deepening of the reform of the education system, the sudden increase in the number of college students, the severe job market, and the diversity of values, all of which make us re-examine the training quality of college students. As for the management of higher education, it is both an opportunity and a challenge. While the society puts forward new requirements and new tasks for counselors, the personal career development of counselors also faces difficulties, and the direction of career development is not clear. The narrow path of development has greatly dampened the enthusiasm of counselors to improve their own quality, not only directly affect the quality of college students, but also hinder the pace of professional development of counselors. This paper is divided into five parts. First of all, the origin of the counsellor system, the domestic and foreign student affairs management research results a brief overview, counselors ability training achieved remarkable results, accumulated a wealth of experience, but there are also deficiencies. Most of the previous studies are based on the requirements of colleges and universities for counselors in the new era, and do not fully consider the career development of counselors. Therefore, it is necessary to deeply study the role of counselors' career development in the process of capacity building. Secondly, we should organize the structure of vocational ability and use the theory of career development to explain the connotation of counselors' professional development. In the perspective of career development re-definition of capacity-building. Again using the form of questionnaires to the recent career development of college counselors and the organization of the security mechanism to investigate. Analyze the relevant factors, point out the problems existing in the process of training counselors' professional ability, and explore the reasons. Finally, in the face of the new era of new requirements for counselors, standing in the perspective of counselors' career development. Suggestions and countermeasures for promotion and improvement are put forward.


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4 霍利生;基于职业发展的高校辅导员职业能力建设研究[D];西北大学;2015年




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