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发布时间:2018-01-19 01:14

  本文关键词: 研究型大学 本科教育目标 人才培养质量 大学课程体系 课程改革 林顺顺 出处:《山东大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:《国家中长期教育改革与发展规划纲要(2010-2020)》在高等教育篇明确提出要提高人才培养质量,加快培养创新型人才。在国际人才竞争日益转化为高等教育比拼的今天,世界先进国家的大学作为高水平学术型人才的培养基地,日益被推在人才竞争的最前线,纷纷通过改善外部环境、加强内部改革来提升人才培养质量。大国要崛起,“中国梦”要实现,中国政府更日益认识到高端创新性人才的重要,教育部已启动一系列措施来强化人才培养质量,如为回应“钱学森之问”而启动的“珠峰计划”,得到一批顶尖的研究型大学积极响应,先后建立起一系列培养创新型人才的试点基地,为创新型人才的成长创造有利条件。比如:北京大学的“元培计划”、北京师范大学的“励耕优秀人才培养计划”、山东大学的“泰山学堂”。但事实证明,这些改革项目与措施更多地具有“摸石头过河”性质,还缺乏先进、精密、系统的教育理论指导,效果尚有待进一步提升,致使我国研究型大学在培养本科生的创新意识、创新精神以及实践能力方面还与欧美发达国家存在很大的差距。当然,培养创新型人才是一项系统工程,社会的政治体制、经济状况、以及文化传统与属性,以及大学内部的治理结构与水平、教育目标设定、课程体系、培养与教学模式等等,都需要积极地给与支持和配合。而就本科生生培养质量而言,在大学外部环境和内部治理结构等宏观制度因素之外,教育目标设定与课程体系改革的合理与否则是保障本科生教育质量最核心的内部微观与技术因素,同时也是提升研究型大学本科培养质量的出发点和归宿。本文即在充分吸收宏观制度研究成果的基础上,选取影响创新型人才培养的本科生教育目标以及课程改革这两个重要因素,以文献研究、历史研究以及案例研究法为基础,重点研究美国研究型大学本科教育目标流变与历次课程体系改革之间的关系。以及这种关系处理对本科培养质量的影响。以期这种微观技术研究不仅丰富我国研究型大学本科教育质量的提高以及创新型人才培养的理论基础,更在实践层面上为我国研究型大学培养创新型人才的改革提供技术路线参照和案例支持。全文共分为三部分: 第一部分为绪论部分(第一章),提出问题,介绍研究背景,研究意义,总结国内外的研究现状以及对相关的概念进行界定。 第二部分为主体部分(第二、三、四、五章)主要论述了美国研究型大学本科教育目标流变与课程改革之间的关系。第二章详细分析美国研究型大学本科教育目标的构成、特征、来源以及目标具体化措施;第三章对美国研究型大学为实现创新型人才培养的目标而进行的课程改革的背景,课程改革的条件、以及课程改革的特点进行了阐述;第四章从历史的角度对美国研究型大学本科教育目标流变与课程改革之间的关系进行了历史的纵向的解析;第五章,案例研究,选取哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、麻省理工大学三所大学,从纵的历史研究、横的影响人才质量相关因素互动关系两个方面具体展示美国研究型大学在本科教育历届改革中,教育目标设定与课程改革之间动态关系的形态样式,并并努力透过这些形态样式,总结其内在本质的教育规律,以资学习、借鉴。 第三部分为启示部分(第六章),主要是总结美国研究型大学本科教育目标流变与课程改革之间的互动关系的规律,概述大学改革对这些规律的把握与运用策略以及相应的经验、教训,并总结这些经验、教训对于当前我国研究型大学培养创新型人才的启示。同时对我国研究型大学在本科教育目标定位以及课程改革方面存在的问题及产生问题的原因还进行了分析,认为我国研究型大学提升本科教育质量的关键因素和核心技术路线,就是要与时俱进地根据世界形势、国家、社会、民族需要,及时调整并细化、科学表述人才‘培养目标,同时改革课程体系,使得二者及时且有效互动。
[Abstract]:Long term education reform and development plan "(2010-2020)" in the national higher education report clearly put forward to improve the quality of personnel training, improve the training of innovative talents. In the international competition of talents into higher education competition today, the advanced countries in the world university as a base for training high level academic talents, has been pushed in the forefront of talent competition, have by improving the external environment, strengthen internal reform to enhance the quality of personnel training. Big country to rise, "Chinese dream" to achieve, Chinese government is aware of more innovative high-end talent, the Ministry of education has launched a series of measures to strengthen the quality of personnel training, such as the response to Tsien Hsueshen the question "and start the" Mount Everest project ", a number of top research universities to respond positively, has established a series of cultivating innovative talents for innovation pilot base. To create favorable conditions for the growth of talents. For example: "Peking University Yuanpei Program", Beijing Normal University "Reed farming talents cultivation plan", Shandong University's "Taishan school". But the fact that these reform projects and measures more of a "touch stone across the river" in nature, but also the lack of advanced, precision, the guidance of educational theory the effect is to be further improved, resulting in China's research universities in cultivating undergraduates' innovation consciousness, innovation spirit and practice ability there is still a big gap with the developed countries in Europe and America. Of course, the cultivation of innovative talents is a systematic project, the social political system, economic conditions and cultural traditions and attributes, and the University's internal governance structure and the level of education, goal setting, curriculum system, training and teaching mode, need to actively give support and cooperation. And this Graduate students' training quality, in addition to the University of the external environment and the internal governance structure of macro institutional factors, the reform of education goals and curriculum system is reasonable or not is internal microscopic and technical factors to ensure the quality of undergraduate education in the core, but also enhance the undergraduate university education starting point and destination based on quality. Fully absorb the macro system based on the results of the study, the effect of selection of two important factors in the cultivation of innovative talents of undergraduate education goals and curriculum reform, with the literature research, historical research and case study method, study the relationships among the American research university undergraduate education goals rheological and curriculum reform. And this relationship on the influence of undergraduate cultivation quality. In order to study the micro technology not only enrich the quality of undergraduate education in research universities in China The improvement of quantity and the theoretical basis of innovative talents training will provide technical reference and case support for the reform of innovative talents in research universities in China at the practical level. The full text is divided into three parts.
The first part is the introduction part (the first chapter). It puts forward the problems, introduces the research background, the significance of the research, summarizes the research status at home and abroad, and defines the related concepts.
The second part is the main part of (second, third, four, five chapter) mainly discusses the relationship between the American research university undergraduate education goals rheological and curriculum reform. In the second chapter, a detailed analysis of the American research university undergraduate education goal characteristics, source and target specific measures; the third chapter is background of the American Research University for fostering innovation talents of curriculum reform, curriculum reform, curriculum reform and the characteristics are described; the fourth chapter analyzes the history of the relationship between the American research university undergraduate education goals rheological and curriculum reform from the historical angle; the fifth chapter, case studies from Harvard University, Yale University. MIT three University, from the historical longitudinal study, the specific interaction related factors affecting the quality of talents and the relationship between the two aspects of the show In the past reforms of undergraduate education, the dynamic relationship between educational goal setting and curriculum reform in American research universities has been constructed, and efforts have been made to summarize their inherent laws of education through these forms, so as to learn from them.
The third part is the enlightenment part (the sixth chapter), mainly summarizes the relationship between American research university undergraduate education goals and curriculum reform of the rheological laws, overview of university reform of the laws and grasp the application strategies and relevant experience, lessons, and sums up the experience and lessons for the current cultivation of research type University the Enlightenment of talent. At the same time and causes of problems in the undergraduate education goal and the curriculum reform of Chinese Research University problems are analyzed, and the core technology route that research universities in China provided undergraduate education quality of the key factors is to keep pace with the times, according to the world situation, National, social and national needs, timely adjustment and refinement, scientific talent training objectives, and expressed "the reform of the curriculum system, which makes the two timely and effective interaction.



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