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发布时间:2018-01-19 21:16

  本文关键词: 政治社会化 公民意识 公民意识培育 出处:《中南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:公民培育的实质就是政治社会化,社会转型时期我国政治社会化的当务之急是进行公民意识的培育。我国大学生政治社会化过程中公民意识培育研究是政治学理论的重要内容,也是中国共产党历届领导集体非常重视的问题。深入研究我国大学生政治社会化过程中公民意识培育的现状和对策,具有极其深远的理论意义和重要的现实价值。 本文从解析基本概念入手,分析了我国大学生政治社会化过程中公民意识培育的现状,即:通过近几十年的努力所取得的成效以及任然存在的问题;通过现实的、历史的以及制度方面分析了存在弊端的原因;从政治学的角度分析了大学生公民意识培育的重要意义。并且比较分析了世界不同地区和国家的大学生公民意识培育现状,从观念、制度和技术层面提出了解决我国大学生政治社会化过程中公民意识培育机制的问题的思路、对策。从而对大学生公民意识培育的范畴、基本原则及路径选择给予正确的定位。理论和实践相结合,构建一套比较完整的我国大学生政治社会化过程中公民意识培育理论分析框架和实践操作系统。
[Abstract]:The essence of citizen cultivation is political socialization. In the period of social transformation, the urgent task of our country's political socialization is to cultivate the citizen consciousness, which is the important content of political science theory in the process of political socialization of college students in our country. It is also a problem that the CPC leaders have attached great importance to. In the process of political socialization of college students in China, the status quo and countermeasures of the cultivation of civic consciousness are deeply studied. Has extremely profound theoretical significance and important practical value. Starting with the analysis of basic concepts, this paper analyzes the status quo of the cultivation of civic consciousness in the process of political socialization of college students in China, that is, through the efforts made in recent decades and the problems that still exist; Through the realistic, historical and institutional aspects of the analysis of the reasons for the existence of defects; This paper analyzes the significance of cultivating college students' civic consciousness from the angle of political science, and compares and analyzes the present situation of cultivating college students' civic consciousness in different regions and countries of the world. At the level of system and technology, the author puts forward some ideas and countermeasures to solve the problem of cultivating mechanism of citizen consciousness in the process of political socialization of college students in our country. The basic principles and path choices are correctly orientated and combined with theory and practice to construct a relatively complete theoretical analysis framework and practical operating system for the cultivation of civil consciousness in the process of political socialization of college students in China.


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