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发布时间:2018-01-22 03:30

  本文关键词: 大学生 以人为本 思想政治教育 途径 方法 出处:《山西农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:时代在发展,社会在进步,人们主体意识的增强,社会思潮的多元化以及科技的迅猛发展等都深深的直接影响着思想政治教育。时代的变化决定了改进大学生思想政治教育途径与方法,增强思想政治教育实效性的重要性和必要性。 从大学生思想政治教育角度看,“以人为本”理念就是在思想政治教育中要以尊重人、理解人、关心人、帮助人的眼光来看待和对待大学生群体的教育理念。它要求在了解教育对象的特点、需要以及差异性的基础上,尊重和发挥大学生的主体性、理解和引导大学生的利益追求、关心大学生全面发展、帮助他们自觉将教育目标转化为个人的奋斗目标,从而达到思想政治教育目的。 以人为本的教育理念是思想政治教育方法的宗旨,思想政治教育途径与方法是以人为本的载体。因此,要提高思想政治教育效果,达到思想政治教育目的,必须将“以人为本”的教育理念有机融入到思想政治教育途径与方法中,积极创新现有思想政治教育途径与方法。 将“以人为本”理念融入思想政治教育途径与方法中,要遵循四个原则,做到四个结合。四个原则主要包括:平等原则,理解原则,服务原则,情境原则。四个结合是指:说理教育与情感教育相结合,自我教育与社会教育相结合,解决思想问题与解决实际问题相结合,政治理论教育与社会实践相结合。 “以人为本”理念下的大学生思想政治教育,其新途径是:针对学生不同需要,拓展社会实践形式;帮助学生全面发展,丰富大学校园文化;进入学生日常生活,开拓网络教育平台。“以人为本”理念下的大学生思想政治教育,应该在讲授法、谈话法、讨论法、练习法、演示法等方面努力创新。
[Abstract]:The times are developing, the society is progressing, and people's subjective consciousness has been strengthened. The diversity of social thoughts and the rapid development of science and technology have a deep and direct impact on ideological and political education. The change of the times determines the ways and methods to improve the ideological and political education of college students. The importance and necessity of strengthening the effectiveness of ideological and political education. From the perspective of college students' ideological and political education, the idea of "people-oriented" is to respect, understand and care for people in ideological and political education. To help people to look at and treat the educational concept of college students, it requires the understanding of the characteristics, needs and differences of the object of education on the basis of respect for and play to the subjectivity of college students. To understand and guide the pursuit of college students' interests, to care for the all-round development of college students, to help them to consciously transform the educational goals into individual goals, and thus to achieve the goal of ideological and political education. The idea of people-oriented education is the aim of the method of ideological and political education, and the way and method of ideological and political education is the carrier of people-oriented. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the effect of ideological and political education and achieve the purpose of ideological and political education. The idea of "people-oriented" education must be incorporated into the ways and methods of ideological and political education, and the existing ways and methods of ideological and political education should be innovated actively. To integrate the idea of "people-oriented" into the ways and methods of ideological and political education, we should follow four principles and achieve four combinations. The four principles mainly include the principle of equality, the principle of understanding and the principle of service. Situational principle. The four combinations are: the combination of reasoning education and emotional education, the combination of self-education and social education, the solution of ideological problems and the solution of practical problems. Political theory education is combined with social practice. The new ways of ideological and political education for college students under the concept of "people-oriented" are: to meet the different needs of students, to expand the forms of social practice; To help students develop in an all-round way and enrich campus culture; The ideological and political education of college students under the concept of "people-oriented" should be innovated in teaching method, conversation method, discussion method, practice method, demonstration method and so on.


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