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发布时间:2018-01-22 05:29

  本文关键词: 国家助学贷款 四川省 问题 建议 出处:《西南交通大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:教育是我国构建社会主义和谐社会的重要基石,现阶段由于我国地区之间、家庭之间收入仍存在较大差距,部分学生因家庭经济困难不能顺利完成学业,为了促进教育公平和教育事业的协调发展,帮助经济困难学生顺利完成学业,国家推出了国家助学贷款,推出以来受到了一致的好评,但同时也伴随着许多不足。四川省位于西部地区,在国家助学贷款实施中取得一系列成就的同时,却存在许多不尽如人意的地方,如贷款的供需矛盾仍然存在,学生到期不偿还贷款,贷款资格鉴别还存在漏洞,开展贷款失衡等等。本文拟通过对四川省高校学生发放调查问卷并进行统计分析,在借鉴国内外成功实施的国家助学贷款政策基础上,提出帮助四川省完善国家助学贷款运行机制的相关建议。 本文首先介绍了研究的选题背景、选题意义、国内外国家助学贷款的研究综述、研究思路及研究方法等;其次介绍了国家助学贷款的基本概念,简述了国家助学贷款实施的理论基础;接着在文章的主体部分中对成都四所教育部直属高校的800名学生进行了问卷调查,回收有效问卷754份,在调查的基础上进行了数理统计;之后在问卷调查的基础上提出了四川省国家贷款工作面临的主要问题和原因分析;最后根据阐述的相关问题和原因,参考了国内外国家助学贷款运行机制,从政府、高校、银行、学生四个方面提出了完善四川省国家助学贷款的政策建议。
[Abstract]:Education is an important cornerstone of building a harmonious socialist society in our country. At this stage, there is still a large gap in income among families among the regions of our country, and some students are unable to finish their studies smoothly because of the economic difficulties of their families. In order to promote the coordinated development of education equity and education, and help the students with financial difficulties to complete their studies smoothly, the state has launched the National Student loan, which has been praised consistently since its introduction. But at the same time, there are also many shortcomings. Sichuan Province is located in the western region, in the implementation of a series of achievements in the implementation of national student loans, but there are many unsatisfactory places, such as loan supply and demand contradictions still exist. Students do not repay loans due, loan qualification identification is still loopholes, the development of loan imbalance and so on. This paper intends to issue questionnaires to college students in Sichuan Province and carry out statistical analysis. On the basis of the successful implementation of the national student loan policy at home and abroad, this paper puts forward some suggestions to help Sichuan improve the operation mechanism of the national student loan. This paper first introduces the research background, the significance of the topic, the domestic and foreign national student loan research review, research ideas and research methods; Secondly, the basic concept of national student loan is introduced, and the theoretical basis of the implementation of national student loan is briefly described. Then, in the main part of the article, 800 students in four universities directly under the Ministry of Education in Chengdu were investigated, 754 valid questionnaires were collected, and mathematical statistics were carried out on the basis of the investigation. Then, based on the questionnaire survey, the paper puts forward the main problems and causes of the national loan work in Sichuan Province. Finally, according to the related problems and reasons, referring to the domestic and foreign national student loan operation mechanism, from the government, universities, banks, students four aspects of the improvement of Sichuan Province National Student loan policy recommendations.


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