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发布时间:2018-01-23 19:15

  本文关键词: 理工科大学生 生命教育 现状 实施途径 出处:《北京化工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:伴随着科技的日新月异,社会经济的飞速发展,我们所处的时代创造了巨大的物质财富,当前的大学生也享受着人类前所未有的物质条件。按道理说,我们的大学生应该过的很幸福美满,遗憾的是我们看到的却是在大学生中不断出现的各种问题,漠视自我生命、伤害他人生命、残害动物以及破坏自然等事件时有发生,而我们现有的教育对解决这些问题却表现出束手无策。 大学阶段是人生发展过程中的最关键时期,而社会物质条件丰富与精神世界空虚的不平衡发展,常常使一些大学生陷入精神的迷茫和生活的恐慌之中。他们在现实的生活中迷失了自我,找不到自己活着的意义和价值,更找不到心灵的栖息地。在这样的背景下,在大学教育中引入生命教育并将生命教育提到重要的位置成为了一种必然的结果。本文利用文献分析法对当前理工科大学生生命教育的现状进行了研究。研究的目的在于探讨理工科大学生生命教育目前存在的不足,,以及未来如何在实践中改进以更好的推动生命教育在理工科学生中的发展。 本文共分为五个部分。第一部分为绪论。介绍了研究的背景、研究的意义、文献综述以及研究的思路和方法;第二部分对大学生生命教育理论来源进行了介绍。首先,对马克思主义的人学理论进行了分析和研究,其次对中国古代传统的生命哲学和西方的生命哲学思想进行了梳理,为我国当前开展理工科大学生生命教育奠定了理论基础;第三部分介绍了理工科大学生生命教育的现状。通过查阅文献,真实的掌握了目前理工科大学生生命教育的现状,并对其原因进行了分析和总结,为理工科大学生生命教育的开展提供了现实依据;第四部分主要介绍了理工科大学生生命教育的目标和内容。针对理工科大学生的现状设置适合理工科大学生的生命教育的目标和内容;第五部分为理工科大学生生命教育的实施途径构建。在借鉴思想政治教育基本理论的基础上,从教育主体、教育客体的主体性、教育介体和教育环体四个角度对理工科大学生生命教育实施途径进行了构建,以期能够对理工科高校开展生命教育提供一定的帮助。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology and the rapid development of social economy, our era has created a huge material wealth, the current college students also enjoy the unprecedented material conditions. Our college students should have a very happy life. Unfortunately, what we see is a variety of problems that constantly appear in college students, ignoring their own lives and hurting others' lives. Animal mutilation and nature damage have occurred from time to time, and our existing education has shown no solution to these problems. The university stage is the most critical period in the process of life development, and the unbalanced development of social material conditions and spiritual world emptiness. Often, some college students fall into the confusion of spirit and the panic of life. They lose themselves in the real life, and can not find their own meaning and value of living. I can't find the soul's habitat. In this context. It is an inevitable result to introduce life education into university education and to raise life education to an important position. This paper studies the present situation of life education of science and engineering college students by using the literature analysis method. The purpose is to discuss the deficiency of life education of science and engineering college students. And how to improve in practice in the future in order to better promote the development of life education in science and engineering students. This paper is divided into five parts. The first part is introduction. It introduces the background of the research, the significance of the research, the literature review, as well as the ideas and methods of the research; The second part introduces the source of college students' life education theory. Firstly, it analyzes and studies the Marxist theory of human studies. Secondly, it combs the traditional life philosophy in ancient China and the life philosophy thought in the West, which lays a theoretical foundation for the development of life education for science and engineering college students in our country. The third part introduces the current situation of life education of science and engineering college students. Through consulting the literature, it truly grasps the current situation of life education of science and engineering college students, and analyzes and summarizes the reasons. It provides a realistic basis for the development of life education of science and engineering college students. Part 4th mainly introduces the goals and contents of life education for science and engineering students, aiming at the present situation of science and engineering students, setting up the goals and contents suitable for life education of science and engineering students; The 5th part is the construction of the way to implement the life education for the college students of science and engineering. Based on the basic theory of ideological and political education, from the subject of education, the subjectivity of the object of education. This paper constructs the ways to implement life education of science and engineering college students from four angles of education intermediary and education environment in order to provide some help for the development of life education in science and engineering colleges and universities.


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