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发布时间:2018-01-25 11:51

  本文关键词: 中国古代 高等学校 治理模式 出处:《湖南师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Ancient colleges and universities in China in the inheritance, research and development of Chinese culture, the cultivation of talent, civilizing the people, promoting the progress of ancient society and many other aspects have had a significant impact. Today's society, with the development of governance theory. As a country with a long history and culture, the institution of higher learning and the mode of governance in our country are constantly rich and changing and developing, although in ancient times it was political. Economy, culture and other factors restrict and influence, there is its own backwardness. However, its unique governance mode and experience with Chinese characteristics is still of great significance to the governance model of colleges and universities in our country. This paper is based on a large number of historical documents, with the combination of history and reality. Summed up the basic situation of the governance model of ancient colleges and universities in China, and on the basis of this in-depth study. The main structure of the thesis is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction, the main content includes research significance, literature review, research content. The second part expounds the related theories of the governance model of colleges and universities, and mainly selects the theory of hierarchy system. Self-organization theory and flattening theory are the theoretical basis of this study. The third part shows the evolution of the governance model of ancient colleges and universities in China, with the development of the governance model itself as the clue. The evolution process is divided into three stages: budding stage, formative stage and mature stage. Part 4th analyzes the governance model of ancient colleges and universities in China in detail, and mainly studies the structure of the governance of ancient colleges and universities in China. Part 5th combines with the current situation of higher education governance in China, from the rule of law in colleges and universities, the government and the power of colleges and universities. This paper expounds the referential significance of the governance model of ancient colleges and universities to the governance of colleges and universities in our country from four angles: the third part and the 4th part are the emphases of this paper.


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